Tree of Savior Forum

I would trade all my Exp Tomes and Dungeon Reset Vouchers

…just to be able to play this game. 8PM PST: What a glorious time for an unscheduled maintenance following right after a 24 hour scheduled maintenance.

I am indeed ‘salty’ as the kids say.

Am I doing this right?

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No, because that would actually make sense. Orsha and Klaipeda are going down now as well. They made a second announcement about it so we got about 40 minutes warning. Almost enough time to do a single dungeon or mission! Oh boy!

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Yeah this will undoubtedly take a long time. There’s no point in planning to play the rest of the night. This was just horrible planning on their part. If they wanted to do this, they should have announced so. They also could have waited until the usual maintenance time.

If you looked on their website, friendo, you would have seen they announced it right after the server came back online.

Sure looks like it was posted an hour ago to me, kid. Yet another pathetic attempt to make yourself seem smarter than others and talk down to others has made you look like an idiot once again. Are you EVER right? Do you just go around with a huge ego talking down to others while saying stupid things 100% of the time? I pity you.

btw Vanic, my picture of the great leader is no stab at you. I find most your posts relatively informed or useful. Its mostly for ndsetobol and his great leader.

No offense was taken. I am well aware of the meme at this point. I do try to be as informative as possible in my posts. This one was just general whining, as I said, because I’m sick of being unable to play. This will make 3 days already this week, and the week is just getting started.

IMC is going above and beyond for compensation, and I appreciate that, but I can’t even run dungeons anymore, so these reset vouchers are doing me no good. I have 10 now.