Tree of Savior Forum

I dislike the "Yellow text" feature

let me help you smile then :expressionless:

ā€œhey is hard to prevent drunk people from driving and causing accidentsā€ā€¦ā€œbetter remove cars from streetsā€
ā€œhey is hard to prevent idiots from using yellow text and causing troubleā€ā€¦ā€œbetter remove yellow text from gameā€

I can use poppets or a coloring book if you want toā€¦

Poppets? What is it? Puppets manufactured by popes? Use them next time, please.

Anyway, someone gave a nice idea in the thread. Not to remove, but modify. Make it lessā€¦ ā€œHidden and blinkyā€. Or simply make a filter, excluding the [GM] thingy.

Please donā€™t make that ā– ā– ā– ā–  blink holy hell. Also only an idiot would give their password to someone even if they were marked as a gm. No one will ever ask you for that. Also the game is tied to steam meaning you would have to give them your steam account which makes such a thing even less likely to happen.

This feature has been extremely useful for me while looking for groups for dungeons and just letting people know Iā€™m looking for an item/group in general. If removed I feel something like a party finder would have to be added and this is a very simple solution that accomplishes the same thing without taking a lot of the dev teams time.

Greetings and nice screenshot! Hopefully he was not going around asking people for their account information. That would be an outrage!