Tree of Savior Forum

I absolutely love this game!

replying to a specific part isnt supposed to stick with the thread

They do react. They keep their game up and running and and adding things that we want. Just because you demand apple iphone to wipe your butt after a poop, doesn’t mean the phone will bruv.

Events, check.

Bots being deleted, check.

New uniforms, check.

Rank8, incoming check.

The list goes on and on homie, keep your head up :slight_smile:


To be fair, asking to fix bugs and problems is not bad at all. But the way 12 years old kids screaming in the forum has similar toxic level to DOTA 2 and LOL.


“IMC what are you doing”
“Fix this IMC”
“Bots everywhere”
“Staff max unban me”
“My Internet lag and it’s entirely IMC’s fault”
“This bug is annoying and I demand it’s fixed by tomorrow”

Instead of politely discussing and asking:

'Petition to fix this particular bug first"
“GM please come online more often and ban bots”
“Lists of bugs I have encountered and think they are problematic”

People prefer to scream like a bitch in international forum with uber broken Engrish. Well, there are some reasonable threads but these hardly catch attention at all.

PS: Not to mention familiar faces posting hate threads everyday


glad to see someone older than 12 years old playing with me (and my guildies)

I am still having fun with TOS. That is why I am still here. With full time work and school, I only play this game casually and it is still the best cheap entertainment there is at the moment.

I absolutely love this game!

i always use the forum because everytime im here all i see is broken bug posts about how broken this game is! AWESOME!, get the heck out of here with your negativity you forumers who flip out on me for pointing out the flaws of the game
we don’t need this crap here! , either figure out a way to help or STFU

ive been foruming for 55 days with a 6 day read time and i love this game! it took me a little while to deal with my personal hater club - but i did. my favorite thing to do is post bait threads and point out how bad the game is dying, with the upcoming rank 8 i’m so stoked to see what new imbalances will become the new meta! also curious to see if my server dies or if people still get suckered into wasting money on this game

anyhow - IMC keep up the bad work, its like my material just writes itself
i’ve seen you create bugs every mait, and you guys break the game fairly quickly like

i know you guys are working hard to add more restrictions and loading screens to the game for us, thanks, and hopefully others who are positive and enjoy TOS reply to keep your spirits up


there has been 1 event, and its not even here yet, after people have been asking for one for the longest time.

bots are being deleted, but for some reason people are still raging over them.

i dont really care about costumes, idk why some people act like costumes are their elixir.

rank 8 is already looking bad, bcu imc just copied and pasted a class from cleric to wizard, and then added a op class to further boost wizards opness

by react i mean the stuff that we have been asking for ever since release.
ever since release we have asked for

-ktos changes
-more quests
-better spawn rate
-better quests
-better pet UI

  • class balancing that hasent even been adressed on ktos yet (sadhu)
  • more

imc still havent addressed any of that yet.

EDIT: pls take note, as i have said, i like ToS, not the devs, the devs have gotten way better since the game released, but they still need some improvement, especially bcuz julie is now gone

I love the game too. ^ ^

It does have some issues that need fixed. I believe that the next few weeks will be quite telling of the general direction the game is going to take from here on out (the event, database merge, ect).

That being said. I’ve played worse games by far that have been left neglected for years without updates and only cash shop items being new by the devs. People still played. Because of the community. Because they loved the game itself. Hell it still has around 300 people who log in and the dev team is finally updating the game.

ToS is a great little mmorpg. It has a pretty big emphasis on the RPG part. It’s got so much hidden content, really, that gets overlooked because the game doesn’t hold your hand. Books left randomly on maps, hidden quests, mini and gimmick games, treasure chests, ect. There’s always something to do unless you’ve completely explored every map, gotten all the kill counts, done all of the gimmick quests and hidden quests, gotten all the headgears/cards/ect, I can’t even list off.

My biggest problem is settling on one build because I’m always coming up with another on I’d like to try out.

So, OP–yes, I’m with you the game is awesome. You can’t turn a blind eye to it’s flaws or the legitimate issues with IMC that some folk bring up, but it’s no where near as awful/dead/dying/whateverbadthing that people say. Just don’t spend too much time on the forums or you’ll get super discouraged.


To be honest, I was once a part of hater troupe in Destiny (my dark past) all thanks to constant disconnect from game. I still can watch youtube but Bungie’s server kicked me out for some errors.

Anyway, the best and funniest part about haters: They can post hate threads, talk sh!t about the game but can’t stop following the forum or playing the game


I’m not advocating the games issues, im simply stating i enjoy playing this game a lot. Whether I play for a month or 2 years, I’m loving the time logged in.

Of course games will have issues, I have yet to play a game where I haven’t raged at a moment or two. I would love for changes to happen over-night, but its not possible. A game like this took 3-4 years to get this far (if not longer), and people think they can change it in a month or two. Crazy.

Oh that bit was more directed at some of the other comments. XD

And yes, I don’t understand the attitude of fix it, all of it, right now or at best by the next patch. Some things do need attention asap (like the party bug atm) when they impact general gameplay. But they’re in the middle of cleaning up a server merge, getting ready to do the big database merge–which from past experiences in games…even minor database updates can cause issues. This is goin to be a rough few weeks.

I’m still going to play. I adore the game. I understand why people are frustrated and down right angry over things… but that’s not how you get things fixed.

Everyone has their own way of advocating their issues. Whether sane, toxic, or taking the route of IMCisGreedy.

The reason I lasted as long as I had is because I instantly fell in love with Clerics, even though I’m usually the meat-shield. But meatshielding I realize in this game is crappy. So it led me to try out many basic combinations: Some meta, some aren’t.

So when I really do play the crap out of the game, I OWN it and I know what to do. That said, this game has a large amount of issues that should actually decrease as time goes down. It won’t make some any less annoying (Party Warp Bug), but the general decrease is atleast to me apparent. We’re going the way of Gravity, having a buggy and rocky start but gradual inclines to see what’s on top of the mountain.

Hello, as a Doom Knight from Siete and IMCisGreedy Doom Knights Company, I came to say that the game is dying at a fast rate and everything is bad, the game will shutdown, the end is near, IMC sucks and mmm that’s all I think.

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Makes 2 of us, Just discovered the game, and immediately jumped in once I learned Hakkyu Kim was being this, I knew he was working on some project but always thought it was something like Black Desert and not something like RO.
I was kind worried since I thought the game was released last year and believe that missed on a lot, but fortunately I learned it was released less than 4 months ago.
Great game, lots of glitches that need fixes asap, lacks a lot in the social department parties/raids/guilds, and too many bots.

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Count me in as another “I love ToS”. 1600 hours here, and I can understand why people are a bit tiffed with things. But in reality? It’s a video game. People take crap way to serious. Enjoy it for what it is, don’t like it? Don’t play it. Like it but aren’t satisfied? Don’t buy anything to support IMC. Crying about Bots (which makes me laugh every time as they’re nothing more then an annoyance) and restrictions. Those restrictions aren’t anything THAT bad. Least as people make it seem. Theres things I don’t care for in ToS sure. But I’m also not dense enough to play something I loathe and then complain on the forums about it.

Bottom line is, it’s a game by a small company who is to some extent trying to please their player-base. (Heres looking at you releasing the game far to soon cause people cried.) Enjoy it or don’t. If you aren’t happy but want the game to succeed; don’t post ■■■■ post about the game dying ect. That is the opposite of what you’re trying to supposedly accomplish. Be vocal, in a positive, constructive way and leave the ■■■■ post for Reddit/4chan.


Bad for you because is diying. It gonna take about 2 months for they to try sell it to other publiser and when no1 take it GGWP.

finally someone said it.

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De los 7 idiomas que conozco, ingles es el peor y el que hace menos sentido. Si quieres buena gramatica lee la RAE.

Sur les 7 langues que je connais, l’anglais est la pire et moins de sens. Si vous voulez une bonne grammaire lit le RAE.

Из 7 языков я знаю, английский является худшим и имеет все меньше смысла. Если вы хотите, хорошая грамматика читает RAE.


Dei 7 lingue che conosco, l’inglese è la peggiore e rende meno senso. Se si desidera una buona grammatica legge il RAE.

من 7 لغات وأنا أعلم، اللغة الإنجليزية هي الأسوأ، ويجعل من المنطق. إذا كنت تريد قواعد جيدة

Of the 7 languages I know, English is the worst and makes less sense. If you want good grammar read the RAE.

I still believe that calm, logical and honest discussion is the best way to get things to change. Raging over the forums about how this thing needs fixed by next maintenance isn’t going to help as well as a report on the bug with detailed explanations and additional comments from other players having the issue, for example.

This makes it easier–by compiling it all in one area so that it’s not 6+ threads of “why is server down” during weekly maintenance or spread out over 5 different sections when there’s a legit bug/crash issue. Then there’s the people that don’t bother to read the main page for news. These issues happen on most forums.

This is the kind of thing I am talking about. It’s really difficult for someone who’s being “toxic” to be taken seriously vs. someone who’s being calm and collected. Now that’s not saying being passionate about your game and advocating balance/change isn’t needed too. This can still be done in a proactive manner.

That’s all I’m trying to say.

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