Tree of Savior Forum

How to buy RMT silver or abuse boletos and get away with it: How imc abuse mitigation strategies are and will continue to be failures

On the other hand, just because something is successful doesn’t make it a good idea a’la chopping off the arm to save the hand logic.

In the same vein, its effectiveness is simply a twisted interpretation of its ineffectiveness in the light of better options.

Yeah, and unless you remember those same players, and can contact them again to negotiate a trade of a similar magnitude, your main account will still get much more silver over time.

They’ll ban the dummy accounts that do obvious exploits or bots to farm tons of silver. Then check their recent trade history. They’ll see 10 random people for 10 suspicious transactions. Not enough grounds for further bans?

Well if across 10 banned accounts, there’s 100 transactions to 80 other players, somebody is getting more silver than the rest across multiple trades. Just sort them by silver value and number of purchases, then investigate the top few on the list.

Oh look, one guy sold a 3stat kepa doll for 1mil, pass.
One sold 20x mithril ore for 50k each. Pass.
This guy had 10 pieces of unupgraded unsocketed gear of various types for more than the average price recorded at the time of purchase, shipped to multiple banned accounts. Ban.

Man I don’t care what kind of OP stats that doll has, I would never pay 1 mil to wear that “thing” on my head, even if it had “grants you the insta-kill auto attack enhancement” :fearful:

Man… I feel bad for the poor GM that has to sort through all that crap all while trying to mark and ban bots. But I guess that’s what’s in the job description o_o

GMs are equipped with a lot of tools for dealing with this kind of thing. The only difficult part is dealing with bots whose name are not spam.

Also helps explain why the names you see posted aren’t complete.

To be fair, they’ll get an easy list of criteria to go by and catch most of the obvious stuff, most of it with helpful automation. Depends what and how data is logged on their end.

Though things like which stats are actually worth their asking price would be near impossible for someone who doesn’t play the game that much. You could “easily” escape detection by buying a couple enchant scrolls and rolling with whatever trash ended up on it, cause as far as the GM could tell maybe somebody really would want it?

That’s a lot more effort than the ‘dumb’ methods, but even that could be sorted into special cases for more scrutiny if they have the time.

Really, they need better bot detection and data collection, rather than trade restrictions, though a solid prevention system could fix a lot of problems without requiring constant monitoring.

i heard that you wear pink panties and dance naked in the rain at midnight
its my word against yours

on topic:
RMT cannot be stopped and theres a reason for this - no game in the world can stop RMT unless the currency is worthless (like on diablo 3 right now) so making silver worthless will stop RMT - leaving end game equip untradeable will stop RMT as well - but i guess people gonna be pretty unhappy if silver becomes useless but hey no RMT
IMC cannot track each and ever market transaction cause thats prob 3000+ a day and i got my doubts that they got enough people to check on those 24/7 - they even mentioned “if you see suspicious or high amount items please let us know”…doesn sound convincing to me at all… and somewhere i read “we have our eyes on the highest silver carrier bla bla” well bots dont have the highest silver its more like 100 accounts who carry 1m silver at most

i could here and now register worthless items worth millions of silver all together - and IF a silver seller is going to buy it itll be this way: one IP for each item from different accounts at different times during the day - no bots no cheats/hacks/exploits used - IMC cannot do anything against it unless we have an ingame record of the last 100 of a kind items sold - viewable for everyone - then we MIGHt be able to fight RMT in this game - and who knows maybe restrictions gonna be history a few months after the last “official” silver seller left

eu ragnarok had said zeny seller (aka real player never using any bots never advertising anything in game) and never heard of anyone being cought - been quite “common” that people buy off zeny from them or even bigger guilds are selling their cards for a high amount of real money

Theoretical effectiveness. I’ve read the merchandising license thread. It is coming from a good place, but I don’t feel like it is anything botters couldn’t get around, and then we’d be back to where we are now, minus the global restrictions that are reducing the impact on every RMT.

It’s real easy for armchair game devs to sit here and theorize, having never developed a game or managed a business.

I honestly don’t see what the big deal is with the market restrictions, but then again playing the market was never something I looked forward to when playing an MMO. If it is so bad for you that you feel like you are “cutting your own arm off”, then I strongly suggest a different game.

You don’t need someone actively watching the market…

And by “somewhere i read” do you mean this blog post?:

[quote=STAFF_John][On the State of Server’s Economy]
We can look through our server database and figure out the actual amount of silver the account in question owns, what the user traded, and the movement of silver on each server. We can even identify which top 100 accounts possess the most silver. We can identify daily changes of total amount of silver.[/quote]
Cause that sure looks to me like they have a database of all market transactions which can be searched and sorted based on certain criteria in order to catch RMT.

Even automatically set up to flag suspicious transactions, so nobody has to actually watch the market itself, just investigate any accounts brought up by the system.

This people will take time before ban, they need investigate each player to avoid misjudge.*.
That’s why no bans yet.

You guys think its easy? lol

I don’t really play the market in MMO’s either, if you can’t make good money through the basic cycle of combat gameplay in an MMO, it’s most certain that I will be a poor MFer.

The thing is, even players like me or you will eventually be inclined to use the market. Maybe one day we luck out and get an item worth lots of silver. At some point every kind of player will “feel” the restrictions. It’s inevitable.

That being said, it’s never not worth discussing improvements, especially when said improvements would generally mean relaxed restrictions and more lenient (and thus, more fun) gameplay for legitimate players, because that’s the major criticism of their current trading system. It’s too harsh on legitimate players for very little progress in affecting the actual target of those implemented systems.

So what the prinny above is saying, is that we should be discussing options for which we can get way more bang for our buck, ways that may not even have anything to do with restricting innocent players gameplay experience. The ideas are out there, that’s generally what these forums are for…to discuss them, however bad or good they may sometimes be (in your eyes). You’re focusing a lot on pointing out that the system “succeeds”, but again…arm to save the hand. Success is relevant.


Ip bann to brazzil as they are a thieft race that nobody want here

I have a theory. I think all those players would get banned. That seems easily trackable.