Tree of Savior Forum

How quickly people forget when they are given a penguin

Its been over a month now since IMC staff promised they would be taking action against the 100s of players that abused the channel crashing exploit to dupe world boss cube items like Windrunners and +25 their equipment by crashing it on anvil fails and nothing, NOTHING has been done.
On Klaipeda we all watched as Kirito, leader of the world famous group of cheaters known as Desu used his druid lackey Nulight to crash channel after channel to dupe Windrunners like there was no tomorrow. Today you can still find him in shout wanting to buy +15 manamanas and +10 Maga bows with 40+ holy awakenings etc. with his infinite silver from his ill gotten gains.
Now obviously they were not the only people that took advantage of the exploit, they were just the most obvious with Nulight bragging to countless people about his nonsense. Everyone was outraged at the cheating and took to the forums demanding justice, and IMC urged patience, that they needed time to look into the issue and reassured us that they would take appropriate action when they discovered the players in question.
Well again, its been well over a month and IMC has done nothing except bait and switch, the firestorm of cheating was quickly followed by events and a barrage of TP fluff ranging from penguins to bunny costumes or whatever other nonsense is in there. We can not just continue to let this happen, these people have max lv100 attributes, +25 weapons, and dozens of 25+ million silver items in storage still. IMC needs to address this, no-one should let this go b/c IMC is banking on human nature of people forgetting and being distracted by shiney objects, or in this case cute and fluffy ones.


Thankfully no one has done that yet in my server. IMC wake up.

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I think…the people who have actually cared are long gone and quit. And the only people left are those too far invested into the game to leave or in denial. They are not going fix anything and have proven this with issues persisting from over a year ago into the game’s beta testing. Posting on the forums has proven fruitless for anything too and just really only opening yourself up for the trolls here.

That whole Brazilian Banco checko thing was swept under the rug with some people getting tons of free TP too. What did they do? Say it didn’t really affect anyone and just keep on trucking like nothing happened because that’s what IMC does best.


I’m at 1380 hours played so at this point I am 1 of the violin players on the titanic playing away to crowd of terrified people as the ship sinks into the dark, icey waters. I have too much time in to walk away, not worried about the trolls, I am 1 of them, just cant let this go. Not when I have to see 1 of the biggest abusers of this everyday in shout throwing his silver around jus instantly buying whatever his heart desires.

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More penguins it is then


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ToS needs GM_Vigilante.
Oh wait, does the game even have GMs? - Is it the guy who just announces his presence on the server to gain fanboys and bans a few straggling bots?..>_>…

Well, it’s Tree of TP at this point so it’s literally sink with the titanic or cling to the some floating debris because I’m sure all the cheaters have filled up all the life boats :frowning:

But hey, at least you can sink in style with a shiny penguin, heart contacts, ash grey hair, long royal perm, while wearing a bunny costume :smiley:

Yes ToS indeed need a GM_Hitman or GM_Superman. Disconnect player from Tos and give him a 10min waiting msg while login his char scaning for any exploit

Isnt that the same guy who got banned for the founder pack exploits and acted all innoncent on the forums til IMC unbanned him? Should have just kept him banned.

IMCisGreedy lmao, they dont care about exploits. They just want his TP Money. really dumb management.