Tree of Savior Forum

How i can buy TP Coins ?!?!?

lol no joke i am debating of buying another $50 pack just so i can get another 60 day token/65$ worth of TP points for cheap …

but my question is will it work XD?

if you think about it… the skill/state reset pots(5-10). + 60 day Token ($35 worth) + $65 dollars of TP … all for price of $50… ya i want to buy second pack XD

it should work, there have been several people on the forums stating that they bought all 3 DLC packages

If it makes you feel better I’ve bought all 3 lol.

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I confirm you can buy at least 2 different ones, Got 1 and 3 so far looking at getting 2 for more TP!

Im thinking of creating one more steam account, so that i can purchase another $50 DLC, and do the same with my main account after 21 april where its 30% off sale.

Buying Tokens with the alt account and trade it over to my main.

Sucks that you can’t purchase more than 1 of the same DLC.

Quick question tho,

5x $9.99 DLC pack = 800 TP
1x $49.99 DLC pack = 650 TP
However the $49 pack offers 60 day token

My question is, are those 2x 30day Tokens or a special 60 day one? And if so, is it tradeable?

I can’t check right now since im at work but didn’t the Tokens cost around 180 TP?
So if 2x 30 days tokens comes with this pack its already a value of 1010 TP, not to mention the other things.
Can anyone confirm if it comes with 2x 30d tokens (tradeables) or if a special 60d token? (also tradeable and holds a value of the two)

30% of 50 is 35 making it 70 if purchasing two.

$70 = 2020 TP
$10 = 100 TP (normally wasen’t it?)

Thats what we call a nice deal :stuck_out_tongue:

Appreciate it!

I don’t have the $50 yet but I don’t know if I can wait til the discount.:relieved:

Is it possible to purchase the Same DLC more than once?

Nope you cant :smiley: you have to buy 50% and 100% packs

bump and now ? its free to play !

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So, right now, how do we buy tp?


i too would like to know how i can buy tp. I am pretty much dry.

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FAQ from the website

Q. How can I purchase more TP?
A. We are currently in the process implementing a system so that you will be able to purchase TP at any time.

It is expected to be in place within this month, so please keep an eye out for any further announcements.

So we can’t buy at the moment?
I need a stat reset…

I really want to buy TP and support this game.

question,where can i buy the founders pack?i dont see it anywhere

I think its gone now, yea sad. I didn’t have enough to spend nay money until recently but looks like i missed out :frowning:

You would think that the purchase of TOS points would be a high priority for a game that is free to play

i think the main problem is, IMC is just bad at this

other games who went through steam never had this problem, like how IMC have to wait for Steam to approve of their beginner’s pack

and it’s been 2 weeks since they announced it and the fact that it’s not on steam yet is probably due to the poor marketing of IMC and steam had to hold the pack.

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I heard that steam recently had a problem with F2P not giving players their items so they may be acting a bit more cautious at the moment.

that function is currently lock because it has something to do with steam implement. please check this post - by IMC admin: (select page number -> click top -> scroll down and click on something call resolve in post 107.)