Tree of Savior Forum

How good is corsair c3 on pillaging items in HG?

does pillage works with blessed shards and opal other global drops in hunting grounds?

Yes, but it doesn’t work with equipment drops so you’re better off farming 350 unique weapon/armor mats because the pillaging rate on global drops is very low.


so its not a good idea? better used thauma then?

uh? are you sure it works?

I’ve definitely pillaged global drops. It’s just a very low rate.

Can confirm, have pillaged Blessed Shards while doing HG with a Corsair friend.

As with any attempt at pillaging, the more hits you take to kill enemies the better chance you have of actually getting the pillage off. If you kill things super quickly you might not get much.

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Can you check two things if you got time later?
A) When pillaging, can you pillage unidentified gear as well? Or just the other global drops?

B) When pillaging, whose Looting Chance is used? The looting chance from the player that triggered the pillage effect or the looting chance from the Corsair? Probably hard to test but should be obvious if you can get high looting chance vs 0 on the Corsair and swap later. If this is too much work, don’t worry about it, I’m just curious.

my point was that uni gear is a global drop.
that’s why i was skeptic

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  1. Pillaging can steal the shards, ores and albums.
  2. Pillaging cannot steal HG gears.
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As @BurningFighter said, it seems like you can’t get unidentified gear at all through pillaging, thus there is no interaction with Looting chance at all.

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Nah you cant pillage HG gear.

Ores/Shards/Junk yes

15% at C3 to proc pillage
Loot Drop % is similar to regular drop.


15% ? can you give link with that info?

Its information that floats around since the jolly roger days.

There is no hard/raw data if you are seeking one

Pillaged used to scale to Jolly roger at flags lvl 5/10/15 untill it was changed to follow Class circles instead.

I use to play a C3 and i am currently holding a c1. Definitely feels like 5/10/15 %


Thx a lot for answer, corsair still my favourite char to play

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