Tree of Savior Forum

How Dragoon C1 defend itself from Physical attacks?


I always wandered how Dragoons defend itselfs against Physical attacks.

I always played with focus on Doppel of Two-HandedSword. Thinking about it, everyclass has some good defenses against Physical attacks, for example:

Doppel Two-HandedSword: CrossGuard of Highlander : press button to active the defense.

Fencer / Corsair: Focus on DEX to focus on evasion. Also this classes can use shield as well, swamping weapons or not.

Hoplite: Shield + Finestra + Press C to active block.
Peltasta + Rodelero: Shield + Press C to active block + bonus evasion.

Shinobi, Doppel, Murmillo: depend on the previous classes to gain its defenses, also some already have some defenses too.

Does Finestra work with Two-Handed Spear?? Because I only see block points appearing when the character uses some shield or use some skill that make the character block, like CrossGuard of Highlander C1, that least 5 seconds, but can be spammed using the button of skill.
The Two-Handed Spear when equipped give automatic some block points to the user only by equipping it?

How Dragoon and Two-Handed Spear builds defende itselfs from Physical attacks?

I know that is useless to think about magical defense, magic can’t be blocked, a complete unbalanced PVP thing that may ruined this game, (I know Except for Murmillo that can block magic), but lets not talk about it.

if you take peltasta for ur dragoon, you could use 1h spear+shield to activate block. Other than that, its really not necessary, all you need is invest in defense if you really want to not die, dragoon is all about making damage, can’t deal damage when you’re blocking, more of a murmilo thing.
dragoon and hoplite can both work with both 2 handed and 1h spear
the only class that is locked to 2h spear is lancer.

why? with 2k+ magic def a lot of people won’t deal any damage to you :slight_smile:
the only class that can block with a 2h spear is lancer, becasue dragoon is really a damaging class, its all about running and making tons of damage
blocking really isn’t a big deal and highlander’s crossguard is a very bad blocking skill in both pvp and pve.
As long as you have good defense and some con you will survive.
Again as i said before, dragoons can use shields too.
The only class who can’t use shields is lancer, and lancers got great of defensive mechanics.

[quote=“kazamatenkai, post:1, topic:343339, full:true”]
How Dragoon and Two-Handed Spear builds defende itselfs from Physical attacks?[/quote]

You already have the answer:

But, Two-Handed Spears doesn’t have any block stance like Two Handed Sword. Actually, you can go as a Cata and RUN FAST LIKE WIND as defense,while using your 2h Spear. 8D

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Hoplite doesn’t have Shield Guard. Only Pel, Rod and Murm.

Yes, but you can’t feel it much because you get more out of the bonus when equipped with a shield and other block boosting equipment as well as when you have Pel in your build:

As @DieHardLancer and @BryanLoeher pointed out, Goon is a damage-centric class but you can improve its defensive abilities by picking circles from defensive classes like Pel.

Restrain helps Goon skills become pseudo-CCs by proccing stuns with multihits. This is why Sw3 Cata3 Goon2 is a popular PVP build. You can counter enemies rushing in (usually melee classes) by charging your Dragontooth (with Restrain buff on).

Of course, if you can hit people first with Dethrone and they’re not dead, they’re likely to be bound to the ground and unable to move around for 6? seconds.

You can see how I try to survive in TBL on my gameplay videos here:

If you add a rank of peltasta and go full dex you have access to a full array of tools to deal with physical damage like block, increased evasion, increased defense. Restrain is also good to stun enemies while it is active.