Tree of Savior Forum

How Do You Move Towers In GBL?

Man movable object as guild tower in GVG? Literally faceplam.

Is this a Intended Potatoe Code?

Any staff wish to clarify.

Either way. If you guys know of this "mechanics"
Why not report it instead of playing it around and disrespecting lower tier guilds or lower guilds i would say.

I ain’t helping any one on this but this is just pure BS.
You guys just lost all my respect as a person. Good day.

Hope a staff came in to highlight.

That’s why the community is dying to your cansur.

How do you know it, Mr. Guildless? Something smells fishy here.

then why are you defending a guild you already left ?

Does it matter? It still the basic form of respect as a person.

Do you spat on the person lower than you. Do you spat on beggers without understanding why they are begging?

Give the losers a break regardless at least they did “try” to do something than giving free wins.

What they are doing here is a ??? intended Thing? Does it matter that if you are winning you can do whatever you want.

Where is your basic form of respect and moral. Well… looking at that linked post lol … lel.

But you still seem to be a loyal doggy to your ex-guild. Is it really truth though? Are you really not in a guild?
If you so happen to still be in AvantHeim, that means you’re a big liar, and nothing you said holds any value.
I suggest clearing up this big misunderstanding with some solid proof, otherwise things might get worse for you and your (ex?)guild.

So uh, are people more worried about the legality of the process which resulted in a result that clearly produced an unfair advantage?


nobody cares‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌

IMC should TOTALLY care about this. This needs to be escalated. For one thing, they’re getting FREE 60TP using exploits weekly if that continues.


funny ppl salty thread

Meanwhile over on Fedimian 90% of guilds have been excluded from competing due to the time of day GvG occurs, both before and after the time changes.

I’m not sure why it’s difficult to understand that the best time of day is the peak time that their server data shows the highest number of players logged in - The early evening after the work day.

Its crazy how when we found something new and everyone say it is a bug, an abuse, free win for us and totally an exploit.

I suggest to all of these people here the following:

  1. Spectacle us on GVG at 900AM-1000AM server time in SEA server. Observe it yourself and see if competitive gvg even have the leisure to allow such strategy to be executed. We don’t use this strategy at all. Neither do the enemy has any leisure to use such strategy. In current gvg map, some matches really come down to which team can kill the tower faster. The opportunity cost of not hitting the tower when you are within the range, is really really huge. We just test something out, and wow, can’t believe how this thread become so crazy.

  2. Test it yourself. Instead of just talking here. Test it out it out on actual real gvg situation. See if it moving tower is even anything good that can yield you a 100% win rate.

  3. Come vs us on gvg.

Seriously, moving tower, in my opinion, is not even a viable strategy. It is funny at first how some of you view it as a strategy. It is saddening how some of you accuse us that this is an exploit we used to win. You guys didn’t know how much effort we brainstorm strategies, planning, implementing, communication, searching for and recruiting the right class mix at the backstage.

Finding something new that is unintended without reporting to the authorities but still abuse it to your own benefits is the fault. You might not have known if it is intended or not, that’s fine.

Reading your reply from a bystander’s point of view: you’re being overly agitated and defensive over what other thinks about what you’ve done. If you weren’t conscious that you were engaging a “hidden game mechanic” strategy, I doubt you’d be this defensive over your guild’s actions.

If anything, the standings of this season should be voided over an unfair advantage and you can show us all by getting the same results on the next season once the thing’s been fixed.

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Why don’t you try one of what I had suggested? And see for yourself from a bystander’s point of view whether is there any advantage or leisure to use this “hidden game mechanic” strategy in top gvg battles.

  1. Spectate you guys when you could stage matches to run without using the exploit. There is a better way and it involves greater transparency involving broadcasting your voice chat in live stream. Even then, this can easily be staged.

  2. You are advocating people to potentially exploit.

  3. What does this have to do in this context? The previous incidents told enough to tell what happened with or without you doing it in subsequent attempts.

The whole thing revolves around what you did, not what you’re gonna do and show the world. Anyone who played the game enough knows full well that the advantages were clear, and right now, you’re actively engaging a full-on damage control by deviating the topic.

This should be bannable offense, other guild shouldnt try this exploit. Tree of exploit, tree of hackers everywhere…

  1. Stage matches? You obviously didn’t spectate any gvg matches recently.

  2. I am telling people instead of just talking, like what you are doing, why not just try and see is it even an exploit that can give an advantage. There is no leisure nor time to move the tower, while not risking losing the match

  3. It is in the context. Gvg with us and see for yourself whether we are winning via this method or not. You obviously didn’t witness any gvg matches and strategies top ranking guilds used.

The whole thing revolves around what people accuse us of. We plan for strategies, class synergies and communication and use these to win our matches. Anyone who gvg with us enough know fully well that we didn’t rely on this method to win clearly. And right now, some of you are actively engaging on a full hate-on salty responses by deviating the topic.

  1. Not staging matches like match fixing in soccer. Staging matches as in “Hey guys, eyes are on us, let’s not do it for now.” kind of gig.

  2. You’re telling people to test the matter out and be bunched with your guild as the “oh we tried it before” group.

  3. This is still out of context, since it leads to clause number 1: it is unreliable because it’s a matter of do or don’t on your end. What does this have to do with us?

Also, your nitpicking only tells us more about your nature in this matter. You can tell us all about your glorious teamwork, strategies, class synergies and friendship power but it is not related to the topic of this thread.

We know it happened. We know it caused disadvantages. We know you guys took down the video even though the video is for the purpose of bug report. And you’re advocating others to do it irregardless of the status of the “strategy” being an unintended bug. What else are you gonna tell me to? Fight you 1v1?

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