Tree of Savior Forum

High-End PvE Swordsman

It’s easy to reach those values but there’s something weird going on in that screenshot. I’d like to see this be the typical case for anyone who is level 200+ with skyliner even with level 100 attribute. It just doesn’t work like that. How is the person in the video I posted only doing 11k a line with much more damage/damage buffs as well as bleeding? Even if the level 200 dungeon boss was slash weak, that would put them at barely the same damage as what is posted in that screenshot. Deeds of valor isn’t + % skill damage either, it’s just physical attack, so it isn’t helping that much except to reach the stats that are presented.

Skull swing will only give you +179 damage per line assuming it’s a honeymeli. Skull swing is doing almost nothing.

I didn’t saw you vid.
Let me see what we have there.

Edit: Ok I saw.
There is 0 data that guy has attrib 100% and a +15 venie and how much critical attack he has, missing too many data.

I only see 22k here.

So do Cross Cut and Lunge stack? Is it like +200% or 22?

Yeah that’s what I’m getting at. With all this stuff you’re only seeing 22k. Yeah it stacks. But I think it’s an additional 50% from lunge, not 100%. can’t say for sure though

So I’ve come up with this. Trying to avoid HL and also use shield:


it’s Slash is Double Slash 5, Flanconnade 5 and Cyclone 5, magnified by Lunge 5 and Cleave 5, especially post-patch
it’s Pierce is Sept Etoiles 4, Lunge 5 and Thrust 2, magnified by Attaque Coquille 1 (tho maybe drop it?)
it’s Strike is Helm Chopper 5, Umbo Blow 5 and Pommel Beat 10, magnifying each other

because of the Pommel Beat, Gung Ho is foregone for +18% Evasion with Guardian lvl 1. concentrate not taken as well, first one decreases def of already vulnerable char, second one is just some badly-scaled flat with extremely low uptime.

best thing is that it’s probably one of the most protected builds, as it has Shield, Guard, Guardian, Swashbuckling and also Restrain, Lunge and Flanconnade => high evasion, def not so bad as most doppels, high block rate + keeps enemies stunned with Restrain, which I guess will greatly reduce damage taken in Earth Tower (Sage Wall?)

final stats I guess 150 con, 150 dex and rest into str.

something like that, maybe.

OR if Skyliner becomes no-cd for real, try Sw3-High2-Barb1-Dopp1. no shield but at least it still stuns, but no Pelt.

A little off-topic here: what do you feel about Corsair with Manamana? I love Corsair class and try to fit at least one rank in every build I (theory) craft. Right now, I’m going SW>Pelt>Barb2>Corsair>Fencer>who knows. I’m inclined to take Corsair 2 instead of Fencer 2 because I’m building for the present (I’m don’t mind starting a new char once rank 8 arrives). Fencer is actually a “filler” right now, because I don’t think there’s a better rank 6-7 class for said build damage-wise. People claim pistols to be weak but you mentioned yours to have “insane burst dmg by swordsman standards with hexen and pistol shot”. This made me curious (I’m not planning on building a Corsair C3, just wondering how your build workds so I can come up with better ideas for mine).

I’ve been once told “I’ve never seen a swordsman do so much damage”. It was said in Abbey. I found a const party without being a Pelt. I also found a const party for bosses and have solocubed bosses like Cerberus and Herpeia given I wasn’t late for pty. Hexen lvl 10 with 75% attribs does INSANE burst dmg, probably much more than any swordsman skill.

Sw2-Hop2-Cor3 would be great for GvG, that’s the reason I made it. Cuz Iron Hook 15 + Long Stride 1. You throw the hook, then you jump out from enemies for them not to break it’s effect (jump doesnt break it, but you can only jump with shield or pistol, not dagger). You also have Pistol Shot which is short-range yet wide-sector AoE 5-hit missile attack, that still gets double damage from Spear Lunge. Such a wonderful skill.

Reason why Pelt is not taken is because you cant Swashbuckle with Pistol, and I didint consider switches at the time (they give me lag).

Drawbacks of the build are also severe:

  • no evasion
  • no dex => low accuracy, tho sissels proc often and it’s still cool!
  • cant use shield, making it super-squishy at ET
  • no AoE hitbox, all skills are hard to get the whole pack with, with exception of pistol
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Sword 3 double slash is not good atm, too long on cooldown. And going sword 3 solely for that isn’t really a good choice.

After all, if your aim is damage then HL is a much better choice

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Ok, so it’s 4:22 am here and I have to work in ~5 hrs.

Below should explain everything. Added to OP post.
Build name: Combo Fencer Build (for kToS->iToS patch merge in August, hopefully)
Circle build: Swordman3-Barbarian1-Peltasta1-Fencer1-Doppelsoldner1
Skill build: … 3nvcd24lp/
Build idea: PvE super tank - high survivability, strong crowd control, all
attack types with empowering skill rotations. Supposed to tank ET after
kToS patch arrives.
Build equip: Grynas, Cata Rapier, Sage Wall, Phada, Phada, Max Petamion


Attack skills:
1 - Cleave lvl 5 (+50 crit rate; with kToS patch increases all slash dmg to target; double damage to stunned)
2 - Helm Chopper lvl 5 (2-hit Strike attack; 2 overheat; each hit has a high chance to stun)
3 - Double Slash lvl 5 (2-hit Slash attack; 3 overheat; gets bonus dmg from Bleeding; has +35% flat critchance)
4 - Sept Etoiles lvl 5 (7-hit Pierce attack with fast animation; 29 sec cooldown)
Q - Lunge lvl 5 (4-hit Pierce attack; increases all slash dmg to target for 4 sec; also gives +50% Evasion on use)
E - Flanconnade lvl 5 (2-hit Slash attack; 0 sec cooldown; also gives +50% Block on use)
R - Cyclone lvl 5 (continuous AoE damage for 4 sec; 2 overheat; 75% added anticontrol; long cooldown)
F - Thrust lvl 2 (1-hit Pierce attack; 0 sec cooldown; makes stunned enemies bleed => increases Double Slash damage)
G - Bash lvl 3 (AoE knockdown)
C - Pommel Beat lvl 10 (1-hit Strike attack; 3 overcharge; gets double damage from stuns; ignores def of Medium mobs simply to burst-down Plate mobs quicked, as Slash-oriented builds may have problems with them. will go away with Rank 8 as I’ll need more quickslots, will probably get Thrust to 12 in that case)

Mouse skills:
L => X2B (mouse side lower button) - Guard lvl 1 (hold to greatly increase block and def + stagger attackers)
P => X3B (mouse middle button) - Swashbuckling lvl 5 (aggro 11 mobs; +25% hp; increase maximum provoke value)

5 - Pain Barrier lvl 15 (only 10 sec downtime)
6 - Double Pay Earn lvl 5 (double the drop and exp from white/gold/blue mobs)
T - Guardian lvl 1 (+18% Evasion)
Y - Restrain lvl 10 (40% chance of 1 sec stun with every hit; long slow after stun; 60 sec with 60 sec downtime)
H - Deeds of Valor lvl 5 (+10% atk and -10% def per hit taken; maximum 5 stacks)

never ever take sw 2. it sucks. and so far, most people i’ve partied with sw2 dont know much about the game


This made me want to reroll so bad :frowning:

I fell in love with Hoplite when I was building a Cata but I couldn’t see any synergy with Corsair (Hop feels like a PvE class to me, but I got to say I just took one rank in the class). I don’t really care about ET but I like high evasion/block characters. I’ve been tempted to create a sw>pelt>hop2>corsair2 but I’d not know what to get at rank 7. Taking barb2 instead of hop2 allows me to get high dex and fit Fencer in the build for some extra damage and Pierce skills. It’s so frustrating to get to lvl120 and see things not going as you expected. Seventh character and I still haven’t found my “own” build.

Care to detail a little bit for me? It can be a pm or something like that to avoid deviating from the original post.

P.S.: I don’t intend to be a “pvp boss” but I don’t want to be “the guy who just hook people and sits there waiting for his party to kill the immobilized enemy” either. Being “alright” is alright (lol) for me. I’m ok sacrificing some PvE performance for some PvP “balance”.
P.P.S.: I like swordies and I have fun playing as one. I like Spears a lot (especially in this game) and I love Corsair. Anyone patient enough to enlighten me on how to accomplish this would be… idk, someone who helps a stranger who’s in a struggle with himself? Anyway, I’m going to expect any ideas/opinions from anyone.

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If you’re asking for suggestions, I play mostly solo with this dragoon:

Sw1, High3, Hop2, Dragoon.

It’s like Autentic’s specialized bossing dragoon build, but I emphasize 1 change at the end. If you neglect Gae Bulg, you’ll lose a lot of damage. Gae Bulg causes each hit to become a true 2x multihit with 50% damage each. This is AMAZING if you have a quarrel shooter on your team whos stacking elements. For yourself, its decent at best. (2% damage shouldn’t be overlooked. 2% of 1.4m (Mission Boss HP at Level 225) is 28,000 damage. In comparision Concentration gives only 1,000, but I’m guessing you’ll go and max it. So if concentration is worth maxing, why trade 2% damage which buffs the entire party for flat damage on 1 single skill?)

Armor break, Spear Lunge, Finestra. I’m sure you’ll get the build. Sufficent con for tanking, crit rate, and high STR even at later stages of the game.

Besides Pierce, you have TONS of slashing spells and a couple strike spells too. Very easy to clear any map. Spell cycling has 0 cd.

Combo: Armor break, Spear Lunge, Stabbing, Spear Lunge, DragonTooth, Serpentine, Pierce, Cross Cut, Skyliner 3x, Vertical Slash, Moulinet, Dragontooth, Serpentine, Cross Cut (over heat cast), Skyliner 3x, Armor break, Spear Lunge, Stabbing…

You can tank, without pelt. Because STR based cross guard is amazingly effective with your glasscannon build. Use a two handed sword. Additionally, cross guard also gives bonus pierce damage, and you can cast both pierce and stabbing with the two handed sword.

Cons: BAD AOE. No Pelt. No one likes you. PVP is impossible due to no CC.

@deanleroy89692 your build looks like build #3 from OP (“Spear Classic”) tweaked for some PvP (2 ranks in Corsair instead of Hop3 and Dragoon). [quote=“deanleroy89692, post:34, topic:307651”]
Usually you kill things before they get a chance to hit you
This is how I felt when I was playing Hoplite. This is how I feel playing Cata (but Cata AoE is another matter…). It’s not the case while I play as Barbarian. As Barb I need to take extra care when pulling mobs even if I’m wearing a shield. Funny thing is your stats are very similar to what I was aiming for my Cata. I think Barb2>Corsair2 might give me good AoE and single target skills and that’s why I’m rolling this new char. The lack of pierce damage made me think of picking Dragoon or Fencer for Class 7. Dragoon would be mostly to use spears but I think that’s not enough reason to pick a rank 7 Class. I believe I’ll stick with Fencer for now. (Perhaps I’ll do some search on how Dex based Doppels perform. I see DoV worth it against magic mobs as you’re gonna get hit no matter your DEX.)

@rawrdinosaurs0 [quote=“rawrdinosaurs0, post:35, topic:307651”]
No one likes you.
Well, that wouldn’t be a problem… I’m not trying to be a meta swordie hahaha :stuck_out_tongue:
Now, seriously, thanks. I like Corsair though and my intention was/is to be able to dish some nice damage (for SW standards) and have some CC, because I want some PvP “fun”.

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Thanks, man. You helped me big time :slight_smile:

quesiton 1-what are your thoughts on corcair c2 x fencer c 2 ?
quesiton 2- andcompared to fencer c 3?
question 3–how about double weapon assault and hexen dropper turned out for you :x?

You will lose a multiplier of 2,4x(with venier) in your damage when land a critical attack.