If you’re asking for suggestions, I play mostly solo with this dragoon:
Sw1, High3, Hop2, Dragoon.
It’s like Autentic’s specialized bossing dragoon build, but I emphasize 1 change at the end. If you neglect Gae Bulg, you’ll lose a lot of damage. Gae Bulg causes each hit to become a true 2x multihit with 50% damage each. This is AMAZING if you have a quarrel shooter on your team whos stacking elements. For yourself, its decent at best. (2% damage shouldn’t be overlooked. 2% of 1.4m (Mission Boss HP at Level 225) is 28,000 damage. In comparision Concentration gives only 1,000, but I’m guessing you’ll go and max it. So if concentration is worth maxing, why trade 2% damage which buffs the entire party for flat damage on 1 single skill?)
Armor break, Spear Lunge, Finestra. I’m sure you’ll get the build. Sufficent con for tanking, crit rate, and high STR even at later stages of the game.
Besides Pierce, you have TONS of slashing spells and a couple strike spells too. Very easy to clear any map. Spell cycling has 0 cd.
Combo: Armor break, Spear Lunge, Stabbing, Spear Lunge, DragonTooth, Serpentine, Pierce, Cross Cut, Skyliner 3x, Vertical Slash, Moulinet, Dragontooth, Serpentine, Cross Cut (over heat cast), Skyliner 3x, Armor break, Spear Lunge, Stabbing…
You can tank, without pelt. Because STR based cross guard is amazingly effective with your glasscannon build. Use a two handed sword. Additionally, cross guard also gives bonus pierce damage, and you can cast both pierce and stabbing with the two handed sword.
Cons: BAD AOE. No Pelt. No one likes you. PVP is impossible due to no CC.