Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Dragoon build! I want to do PvE! Please help me before i get too far lol)

So I think im going to do dual wield dragoon, and i was going to so S2. Hop2, Corair2, then Dragoon, but i seems like thats a bad idea compared to everything else im seeing.

What should i do? Or is a dual wield dragoon bad? Id probably mostly do PvE, so thats that. Any input would be great before i get too far!


So, if that above doesnt make sense, what should i do for a PvP Dragoon build? If dragoon isnt the best… i could probably play something else but I want to dual wield, and i liked corsair but ill give it up.

Whats a good PvE buiild guys? Please? LoL thanks in advance.

Couple of dual wield dragoon builds here: