Tree of Savior Forum

Has anybody had any luck with properly using a non-360 gamepad?

I’ve been happily using my 360 controller until the left analog stick finally gave up. I’m now left using a generic PC gamepad and as expected, some buttons are switched around. I’ve done what I can to the Hotkey_joystick.xml file to mitigate the issue, but has anyone had better luck? Perhaps using x360ce? (doesn’t work on my end.) or some other program?

Continuing the discussion from Gamepad Controlls:

Seem to do the job fine.

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I use a logitech 310, Logitech chill stream and a steam controller. i like the 310 best.

@nando20xx Thanks. right now I’m getting a no compatible devices prompt, but I’ll check the stuff.

Inputmapper does not work for me. Oh well.

Im using something called G-PC-002, one of Dragon war’s products. Good quality controller, just has issues when facing 360 configured games.

I’m using x360ce and it’s fine :wink:

I was using x360ce for my barbarian, 100% ok.

@yolulu @Advatre

How did you configure/use x360e? I tried to use it but it didn’t affect the button mapping for my gamepad. Any links I can checK?

I use a ps3 controller with Scarlet.Crush. Don’t use Motionjoy it’s bloatware.

Try to use the presets, i use the Rumble something preset and configure it to my generic controller, then i save and gg wp

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Noted. I’ll experiment on them.

Thank you everyone for your replies! XD

When you open for the first time, do not search the drives from internet, click no and then use auto. At least this work with me.

I really tried using x360ce. It’s just not working, Where did you guys put the files inside the game folder?

Hmm, I did not do that bit. Thanks for the tip.

@ale_cm I just placed the exe file where the client tos.exe is and ran it.

It seems that the controller setting modify the buttons, but no matter how I arrange them, the game still recognizes the original directinput. Could any x360ce users share their ‘game settings’ for client_tos.exe?

I use a Wiimote Classic Controller with WiinUSoft and Toshiba Bluetooth drivers. Easy to connect and acts as a 360 controller.

Sigh, I give up. I should just wait until IMC implements the gamepad customization support.

Thanks again for everyone who shared their insights!