Tree of Savior Forum

Hackers in TBL matches

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it seems everyone in discord is extremely upset how nobody cares OP uses zoomy “hack”, they also made the main channel private so no more screencaps for now :frowning:

wow u cant take my forum name seriously that negates the fact that your justifications are completely moronic (like u) dam u win :sob:

not fair :sob: ur extra chromosome gives u an advantage :sob:

isnt innovation that guy who got kicked from valkyria for botting lol

Who care about zoomy when there is a bunch of people who has access to tools that can literally crash a whole ■■■■■■■ channel.

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This game is a joke. Where hackers freely do whatever they want and tell us what we have be afraid of.
And imc dont give a fck.

Legion is coming, finally.


Woah, incredible
All hail extrisicality, the guy create offhand means to break the game, and sell them, and yet, he cares so much for the game!
Incredible, surely, incredible!

Uhh actually channel crashing is the most of my worries. You just need one single dude to fk up world boss timers for everyone and crashing pvp matches is the one main reason why OP made this thread.

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Woah, and then, as the world of gaming needs someone to do Justice, from the deepest shadows of internet comes Entrin…(wait for it)…sicality, that’s it guys, he is the true savior.

Now seriously dude, it seriously does not matter how you did it. You create a hack, you publish it, you make money of it. Not even starting on the implications of this, you’re wrong. Seriously.

Pure wrong

Like, in the word full meaning. Don’t try to sugarcoat it saying “Oh, but I didn’t do as much S*** as I could”

You’re still wrong

We can blame both…

do it fgt, the chaos will make IMC do something, that’s what you want right?
you talk crap like “I want the best for this game but IMC doesnt let me” but obviously are just a dirty kike who wants to fill his pockets
get a real job

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Except if hundreds, if not thousands, of players were crashing channels then IMC would be forced to take notice and fix it.

But if IMC fixed the exploit, then you would lose one of your application’s core functions, which would hurt your profits… which is precisely why you are not going to reveal the channel-crash exploit :wink:

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First, it’s MMORPG not single-player RPG. Second, those hacks cost 10 bucks a month, that’s not openly available to everyone, this is a f2p game.

I do agree everyone can play the way they want if they don’t interfere with others. We knew about hook64 for a long time, and nobody would give a damn if you used it to clear ET and other instanced PvE.
But then you dumbasses brought it to world bosses and PvP, and now are surprised people are pissed.

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Taking a server down can be considered as illegal, if you want to cross that line got for it.

If you want to reveal a channel crash method, I say go for it. If you say you have no more hopes for the game, what is holding you and why are you still here?

I can blame both you and IMC. Trigger a big ■■■■■■■ mess and I’ll blame you entirely.