Tree of Savior Forum

Guys Should I pick cataphract , corsair or hoplite c3?

I am now hoplite c2 and I am confuse what I will be in the next advancement. This is my build Sword-Pelt-Hoplite C2- ?? - ?? - ?? I need your help guys is cataphract worth it ? or corsair or doppel ??

Now that you are hoplite C2 I wouldn’t go cataphract.

If I were you I’d pick either
Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite C3 > Doppelsoeldner > Dragoon
Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite C2 > Corsair C2 > Dragoon

Check :

Thanks Man :slight_smile: I’d go for corsair hehe thank you!

Nah cata3 hop2 is the future, don’t let the man get you down.

spear lunge boost all of your pierce skills is way better than dragoon

I used to think that way too but i realize u hardly have enough skill rotation and dragoon solve it with more att skill.

As you said, cata needs more skills to complete its skills rotation. Hoplite C2 gives a lot less DPS than dragoon. Catagoon lvl 232 here.