Tree of Savior Forum

[GUILD] Lets build it together

You actually could…all you’d have do is plan when making your build if ultimately you want to be a Templar later down the line. So when you put it that way, thanks for the reminder.

Being a hidden class is irrelevant imo, eventually info will get out and people will know, its more a question of wether you want to put in teh money. I had no finance probs in beta2 so hopefully nothings changed much in that regard.

Solo>Lead Q I like the ring to it.

Anyone who wants to join me, take my hand and lets get a roster going! :triumph:

Are you guys already established as a guild? :smirk:

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The biggest problem is that people still hadn’t decided what they’ll play. Cause we have too many builds to go for/test.

So even if i say support it can mean like 30 different classes/builds and when i’m 200 the build can fall apart completely.

On a personal note,i’m the type of player that makes a main char and dozens of alts, the time spent in alts always make my main end undergeared/underleveled compared to its peers.

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Personally I haven’t even touched the games betas, so I’m ignorant when it comes to the games technicalities. c: I’m mainly excited because it’s a new start, so I figured we could all band together and make something of it.

We kinda are, but not yet in ToS(but we will be soon).
The bunnies know more…

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I admire your emojis ;.;

Oh my, you’re making them blush

:evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree: All I got are trees… :expressionless:

Google is your friend hun



ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ I’ve UPGRADED.


obt is soon. so now what? should we realize this plan?

The time has come!! I SO HAVE I !!

UGHUGHUFHGUH Sexual Groan :weary:

iCBT1 and 2 former player here.

Planning to roll Swordsman >Highlander c3>Squire c3.
Archer c3>Wugushi c3> Musketeer.

Either i will be the best QUICKSCOOPER in TOS or the best Tent-maker.
We will see what will happen hahahahah.
I was a solo player, and i aim to not having to solo anymore, since i look for a team to play together and grind with.

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Glad to see youre interested! If we get enough stragglers, then maybe we can make something of it! :smile:

kTOS player here (lvl 60 Krivis.)

Looking for people to play with on the East Coast (EST timezone).
I’m going to main a Cleric/Kabbalist.

(Also looking for other gay dudes to grind with.)

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LOL Well we welcome anyone and everyone !

Yes, looking forward to a guild system in ToS. Heck, I’ll probably start a guild myself once Open Beta comes out.

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