Tree of Savior Forum

@greyhiem has quit? šŸ˜æ

O-o since when Grey quit the forums? We just pm each other not too long ago.

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Its the changes on ktos, its no longer a debate on what makes an mmorpg pay to win, they are literally shifting ktos to 100% pay2win credit card warrior mode, and its not a matter of IF the changes are coming to itos, its a matter of WHEN. Now some people like scarethemonkeys will stick around no matter what b/c they love throwing cash at these clowns but you will be seeing alot of the older beta/founderā€™s access players leaving, disappointed to see greyheim go but not at all surprised.


@greyhiem Was shocked to hear you leaving from the title. Really glad that you are still staying with us. iToS will be really sad to see you go, you made so many contributions to our community.


:frowning: sad to see someones quiting but dont worry you can come visit anytime!

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Well we still have @Sorien


@greyhiem WAHAHAHAHA false alarm! Weā€™ve missed you after youā€™re gone for less than 24 hours lmao

Is this about the gacha stuff or is something else worse looming?

By the way, do you think the goddess cube is the only kind of gacha that would come to us or as others have said here another one is coming?

Do you think IMC is just testing the waters with this cube for now to see how the community receives it? For example, if they sell a lot of it, they might introduce the other cubes?

Iā€™m curious whatā€™s currently the hot topic in the KR forums. :wink:


We need to KNOW plz

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Iā€™m going to take a guessā€¦ thatā€™s itā€™s about their 2nd generation P2W cubesā€¦ Vids of players with 550% transcendence on their weaponsā€¦ Content being designed for gear that unrealistic to obtain without cashing in big on the P2Wā€¦

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cause itā€™s not linking the youtube correctly:

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Oh she has a vid now?

Her :

Not uncommon, 550%Ā¬


Could go on & on

Not the only kind of disturbing I meant.

I donā€™t really follow game releases. I am a casual.
My sister always suggests games to me (even ToS).
Really a true Steam girl.

Ynirie told me about a game named Peria Chr though.

Now this Thread is 50 hues of grey call centre.



you forgot @FlanFlan in your list of important people who quit TOF (Tree of Forums).



I donā€™t mean to pryā€¦ And you donā€™t have to answer if you donā€™t want toā€¦ Butā€¦ what could be more disturbing? I wont bring it up if you PM itā€¦

550% is gameplay disturbing yes.
(so was gacha, but it got accepted by the community)

Actually I meant I have seen, like @LoliGod & @Hyperion style stuff - but KR style :smile_cat:

But a lot of random nice stuff too:


Ah, icā€¦ Well rule34 being what it is. Iā€™m sure Tree of Savior already has a collection out there.

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I played Trickster Online 2006 until 2012 (when the game closed) the game collapsed after it emerged the gachas ā€¦ so sad to see the Tree of Savior follow the same path.

There have been so few, neutral, dedicated forumers. You, @greyhiem, are one of them. You have poured all your heart into making the forum a knowledge haven. Itā€™s all your choiceā€“quitting or not, you have been helpful to us, to TOS. Thank you for your dedication, @greyhiem, may we cross path again someday, my dear friend. Au revoir.

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