Tree of Savior Forum

GM Information Session - Orange Returns

There are no rational reasons to be against it. The servers need to be merged. There are too few players to justify having 2 NA servers.

If population increases, then make a new fresh NA server, but until then it is a huge issue.


Just allow same region server-to-server migration. And no need to merge.

Anyway with latest news, IMC support is looking like this:

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As usual see you in next month’s thread. Always we “might” do something but nothing ever really happens that matters. What I am interested in knowing is how the hiring of a CM and Programmer is going for iTOS?




I don’t get how you get to be a halfway decent coder without being able to speak/write and understand english.


We found the bug.

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Lol, what a shocking revelation: The developers and the Staff can’t talk with each other?

What the heck happened, hiring staff if you can’t talk with them?



This is actually the root of iTOS’ problems. They take a server build from kTOS or jTOS butchering it because someone is so inept they cant even figure out how to make it work with Steam.

Remember that time they thought Steam was going to let them sell infinite DLC packs for TP? There was a solid couple months where nobody could buy TP until they put the current system in place. That was back in April when everyone quit and they blamed Steam as a publisher.

Then the regional system per server is stupid because most payment services already do that for you automatically. They fumbled so many times on monetizing this server it isnt even funny. Now its just turbo greed since they lost most people having to squeeze out money in the dumbest ways possible.


What a joke, another 1 of these threads where the chosen mesiah of players gets another mythical 10 commandments from IMC to share.

Once again, the same imaginary things that have been promised for the last year, its too late. IMC just managed to lose 20, let me repeat TWENTY percent of their game’s population in the last month alone. You now have on average 500 players per server, well over half of those are bots, afk farmers and afk shops. Too little, too late, then again I cant even say too little b/c that would imply you actually did something, empty promises dont actually count.

Was just glancing at the forums to have a good laugh at the latest patch notes but couldnt resist chiming in rq. To anyone still supporting these clowns just stop, I can copy/paste/quote everything promised in this thread going back to May of last year, stop believing this garbage and move on, dont lose anymore time to this sinking ship.


One of the main reasons for no merging is to keep a smaller server that has a smaller community

Im glad they also consider this, as i’m one of the people who enjoy being on a small community like Orsha.

Thank you Queue for bringing the summary on information the GM’s provide. As you saw me that other day i also could talk with them and their fast response and interest on our problems was really nice.

(I also got the Ornament leaf helmet fix that i asked in less than a week =3)


Why do you care, you quit right? So you moved on with your life?

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You’re welcome. I remember that time, I just got on as Orange was leaving… They do genuinely care, every time anyone talks to them one of the first things they ask for is feedback.

Thanks for the info! I’ll be waiting to see if the new hirings will make a difference. They really don’t have many chances left that even players with patience are giving up.

They should (also) play on ITOS so they will know exactly what we’re talking about here.
Specifically the lags, stuttering, TBL imbalances, crashes, lack of players to queue anything, botters, etc.


At one point I thought you legitimately wanted to see it get better but now its just autistic screeching lmao. You can leave and it would be the benefit of both parties.

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I feel like this time I’ll be the bad guy, but I have a hard time with these.

  1. Makes no sense
  2. Cross-server queue like in jTOS. (maybe kTOS but I don’t know about it)[quote=“Queue, post:1, topic:349943”]
    KTOS and ITOS TP Stores are priced differently, some are cheaper or more expensive but are roughly equal overall
    258 medals vs 128 medals is equal?

And what’s their reason for this difference? That’s the main concern.
Couldn’t find any excuse on the go? Don’t we all know it’s because iTOS players are whales?
Thanks for asking by the way.

windows95, Stallone_, anyone? [quote=“Queue, post:1, topic:349943”]
GM’s actively play on KTOS as normal players

Their GMs should play kTOS. Our GMs should play iTOS, like @STAFF_Yuri.
It’s genuinely stupid.

Oh please let’s stop with this crap…
I didn’t abuse the weed event and I barely have level 7 gems, where a friend who did has at least 5 level 9 gems at the moment.

I’ve never regretted so much being an honest player.

What came out of it? Will they keep with the survival and playing cupid event, or do they realize the impact it has in game and on the playerbase?

Yes, and we don’t hear any feedback from their side and they go on servers without warning anyone so we can’t blame them for miscommunication.

Players (or what is left of them) have stopped giving quality suggestions when we realized they’re not heard unless why cry and shout about it for 6 months straight.
And even with that, it’s not guaranteed.

Anyway… Thanks for your reports, once again, without you, that said “communication” wouldn’t exist.
A player doing a better job than the company itself, what is happening at this point…


Anyone who has to censor their staff and forums is not open to suggestions. Taking consideration is one thing, then blatantly igonoring problems working harder to cover them up than fixing another.

I suggest getting mental help or one of those people that come in and assess your business doing poorly to fix them. That way another millionaire like Chef Gordon Ramsay can sit there and yell at you like little children for being dumb.

Maybe they should consider facelifting the website to not look like an advertisement?

And something that follows the stereotypical but proven Asian F2P MMO format complete with cash shop right on the website.


Why are you including a picture of a terrible private server.

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Because they sure are doing a better job than IMC right now?


Depends on how you look at it… I mean they’re only using pre-existing stuff like with the website, it’s not their original format.

That is my point. Why cant who ever is running iTOS copy the same typical thing seen on every other single Asian F2P known to man? Simple little things like this is where they failed. People were begging for TP at launch and they are not capable of having it sold right off the website? If they wanted more sales they have to be smarter with things like this stuff. Then you cant have people not recieve their TP and expect them to send in a ticket all the time. Go look at how many times that happens here and people post about it.

Showcasing Maggi’s art is nice but seriously its like they tried reinventing the wheel here and came up with this horrible lump that doesnt move.


Totally agree with you here.
Especially this:

“Fool me twice shame on me” and I feel I’m being fooled like 30 times already.

If this is like the first month or 2 of the game release then fine we can understand. But it’s been almost a year.

What server Is @STAFF_Yuri playing on? I’m hoping Orsha but probably Klaipeda?

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