Tree of Savior Forum

Getting tired of this UI bug

Anybody else still having the unresponsive UI bug? I had it since the re:build update and it kinda happens randomly. I already cleanly re-installed, removed all addons, and verified integrity n times.

as you can see its most evident sign of happening is not being able to see the fps.
aside from that you cannot see the dialogs on npcs as well. logging out doesn’t work either (no dialog box for ‘are you sure you want to quit’ is appearing).

on luckier instances, i am able to enter dungeons, but the hp/sp, the map, the location of partymates, the skillbars - they don’t update too. at the end of the dungeon i can still get the rewards, but no dialog box appearing.

any PERMANENT solution to this?

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Happens to me too, just change maps if this problem still occurs.

Yep, pretty god damn annoying, although mine didn’t start til I re-installed my Add-ons.

the amount of things that are making me sick right now does include UI bug…

“Quick” “fix”: Moving to another map or changing language can fix the problem… good luck if it doesn’t return or worse and you have to do it ALL THE TIME cause the error happens a lot…

also, Fuck the forum errors too


It’s really annoying. To think we have to wait for months for updates like the Scout changes and solutions to these kind of bugs but they are ridiculously fast to bring content where you spend TP is insulting.

And it’s not only this bug, I still haven’t received the ‘change weapon appearance material’ back, and that’s because they made an announcement asking people to send tickets about it, just imagine if this was an isolated problem. Honestly, I’m very dissatisfied right now, at least they used to solve the problems.

Thanks for the solution guys, but unfortunately it doesn’t solve the problem for me…

look at your fps when you do it…

like change to Korean then english and see if fps moves…

also once you do it you must move away from NPC before you can talk to them again…

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Thanks on this…

This actually solved the problem a bit… only that, whenever i change characters, the game logs me out, with a slight chance of needing to completely restart the client.

TOS is becoming a game of patience to me.

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