Tree of Savior Forum

Game dead yet? :^)

Sort of.
It’s probably on the floor bleeding out right now.

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7% dead or 7% and counting?



longer dungeon/mission queue

even grind/rush shout take longer time

but not yet, still didnt deal the killing blow yet…

need some major bug or something to kill it

Major like people hacking equipment slots and equipping weapons in every slot?

major like all the previous bug suddenly appear again!

  • invisible avatar/sprite (premium hair/lenses/costume/companion)
  • party stuck bug
  • dungeon exceed server limit
  • random dc (like everytime change map or something)
  • TBL time suddenly back to previous time…

something along that…

coz hacking equipment slots are feature.

TOS featuring hookx64
@Sorien <-- this the proud creator of hookx64

hi mate~ hows business~

Ye… cannot even play… all my characters at dungeon level gaps and no one does dungeons RIP

thats why i stop doing dungeon, just mission my way from lv100 to lv330 (im optimistic)

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I like how IMC consistently turn fanboys into doom sayers and dark knights




best feeling ever

Sadly thats so true)

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It’s their super power. They ■■■■ up so bad that people that had hopes up back then are converted into doom bringer heralds.


not if you are costume-whore lover

they tend to rate TOS higher than 5/7


A Random Plague Doctor Enters the Room. Blankly looks around and begins pounding something on the wall. He nods in contentment and slowly exits from where he came. Upon the wall you see a large stack of files ready to be filled out for anyone who needs to.

A box of tissues resides on the floor below of said posted files, a long with a note that reads:

Dear Angry and Resentful Person,

As it is quite obvious you have no intention of actually playing the game, and were so hurt that the said game did not touch your naughty spot. I have left this for you. Or, maybe it did? Please make sure to file accordingly.

In reality however, I cannot fathom how someone can feel such disdain for something that he or she continues to stick around far after they have left the game just to hope it falls. I cannot understand why someone would harbor such angry emotions towards a video game, and wish it to be brought down even though others enjoy it.

I can only slightly imagine what would happen if said Video Game did shut down and the forums closed. What would this person do with his/her life? Would they end it? Would they finally be able to forget the obvious hurt they’ve been dealt? Would they move onto the next game and latch on like they did the previous, suckling to the tit of their mothers? It seems to me, that a lot of these children were ripped straight off the nip and rejected to the cold hard streets.

For me, this is as simple as being a Video Game. It’s something I enjoy playing, and perhaps if it ever does fall to the depths of the Abyss, then I will easily move on and get on with my life, but for now; I enjoy what is presented to me. I understand that it is not perfect, much like those who feel they have lost something dear to them, so they turn their rage into hatred and anger. This Video Game, means nothing then an source of Entertainment. It’s like, watching a Movie and finding out after watching it, that it was completely horrible. Do I rant and rave for the next 4 Months how the movie ruined my life? Do I, write the director and tell them how horrible of a movie they presented or the Actors for not playing their roles correctly?

No, I say to myself; Well, that was a horrible movie and I just wasted two hours of my life watching it. Then I move on. I know by now you’re asking, "But, what if I know this guy, who knows a guy, who loved the movie? What do I say to them? The answer? Nothing. You find something you enjoy watching, and be a better person for doing so.

tl;dr: I get it, you dislike the game or even the company behind it. That’s great and I support you on that. The amount of people I see on these forums who say “Well, I don’t play anymore. IMC sucks, and I hope this game fails!” is really actually quite selfish. Because trust me when I say; There is plenty of people who do like the game and want to see it get better.

Note: To be truthful, I found this image awhile ago, had a laugh and needed somewhere to post it. My message behind it, was more so a jest. I don’t deal much with the forums anymore as it really just isn’t worth the time. Mostly, all the logical, sensible people have stop coming to the forums as much, and now just play the game.

Note #2 This is not intended for people who have viable complaints, but for the ones who no longer play the game; yet sit and wait like it’s days of our lives hoping for ToS downfall.



Just Another Anonymous ■■■■■■■~


You sir deserve my hues. hue hue hue.


i cant speak for the rest of the hue-army, but atleast for me…

i am huehuehue+ing for fun~
(hence people making parody to popular pop-culture just for the lulz~ youtube collegehumor or something)

im not so noble to start a revolution or something~

so… peace yo~

May more angry-customer post more I QUIT threads…

the-hue-founder, haukinyau

contradicly, i see more players have go hiatus ingame but frequent the forum for their daily hues

sensible people have long quit TOS since April (refer 45k sharp drop in playerbase)

what remains are trolls, hues, costume-whore lover , masochist, and whiteknight optimist players


Still brainwashing yourself to think there are much players left…any truly logical and sensible person would had quit long ago.

huehuehue, I’m just waiting for the next big game to come along, Lost Ark or Revelation online maybe?


Just play WoW. Legion just came out the best Expansion and yet there are more Contents like 90% of WoW is a content in ToS. ToS has boring and shitty storyline unlike any other MMORPG. Lok’tar ogar.


A logical and sensible person would have came to the conclusion, long before the game released that it was not going to hold a large market period. Even IMC was not expecting a large market. If the servers we’re back down to two (not that I am for a merge like that) it would be pretty stable.

Lost ark looks fun due to it’s Diablo-esque nature, although I have the feeling it’s not going to do great either, and Revelation Online I’ve spent about three months playing the Chinese version w/English translation is fun, but it’s just another MMO like any other that we see today. In other words, nothing really new. Pretty graphics, cool flying mechanics and iirc pretty p2w on that side of the fence. (I still enjoy it though.)

You know I support your post H :stuck_out_tongue: but, there is a vocal group of people who generally hang around and help people out, or answer FU IMC threads with logical responses, those people have mostly abandoned the forums (At least General Side) and still play the game. :slight_smile:

And I thought WildStar has bad doom gloomers and naysayers… xD Tree of Savior has it worse! /cry