Tree of Savior Forum

Game access is currently restricted due to a server maintenance or other reasons. For more details, please contact customer service through the homepage

Can’t connect to any server, I get a message saying “Game access is currently restricted due to a server maintenance or other reasons. For more details, please contact customer service through the homepage.”

Thins is the first time I’ve tried to play in a long time

That’s the implicit IMC way of saying you have been banned.


I didn’t break any rules though

they say some time they ban ppl for mystake.

Try open support ticket.

i did get banned by error … just send a ticket & explain them the situation & they should answer in lass than 24 hour & fix it for you ( that if you are not a gold seller or a botter )

I put in a ban appeal and it got rejected, they say I broke the rules but won’t give me a direct answer. I never botted or did anything shady. I did my part in reporting bots and gold sellers trying to make this a better game because I came from RO and saw what bots did to that game.

This has me really bummed out and I don’t understand why they permanently banned me. I put 147 hours into my character and now I can’t play them anymore, this is so frustrating.

Does anyone have advise on anyway I can get my account back?

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Sorry to ask something personal but where do you happen to live if you don’t mind sharing?

Did they say it was permanent? The same thing happened to me but it turned out to be a 30 day ban.

Unless you are not a botter nor gold seller, the ban should not be permanent

I can feel it my bones even if I don’t agree with them blocking Indonesia. They kinda should really give a little detail though on why you’re banned/blocked what ever because there’s quite a few reasons people can get banned with tons of these old threads.

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The reason they don’t give details is to avoid telling people what they can and can’t detect.

If someone does 10 different things and support says “you got banned for x” then it starts to build a picture for cheaters about what things they are successfully getting away with.

Same situation on most MMOs, but not just the MMO genre, you see the same in FPS/MOBA etc. There’s a pretty good reason for not telling users what got them banned.

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I live in Australia. Can you get banned for being from a certain country?

They told me it was a permanent ban.

What makes me feel really upset is that I supported this game from the start as I was a big fan of Ragnarok Online and wanted it’s spiritual successor to succeed so I bought the 3 Founders packs when this game launched. I feel betrayed for no reason at all.

lol that moment when u got banned but they jz wont tell u why… epic customer service there.

That’s ironically what that thread I linked here was about. People were buying founders then got banned afterwards because they are from Indonesia which has a publisher agreement to not let them player on iTOS. It could be possible since your location is close enough they banned you for this reason. Try sending them another ticket explaining and see if they will give a response. Or you can post in the other part of these forums tagging Staff/GM and which might have more information regarding the ban.

I have made a decision not to play anymore IMC games

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