Tree of Savior Forum

Full release is on April the 28th

Why are people angry that the game is not working perfectly? It’s the 4th day of early access! Are you dumb?


First and foremost, I do think the average TOS players intelligence might be lacking.

Now here’s what an early access means

“Early access, alpha funding, or paid-alpha is a funding model in the video game industry by which consumers can pay for a game in the early stages of development and obtain access to playable but unfinished versions of the game, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue work on the game.”

We are not funding the game, but we might be playing an unfinished version of it and seeing all these bugs and server issues I’m pretty sure we are.

And this so called “early access” was advertised as an international Open Beta before being changed to a 3 month early access for a really small amount of players and then it was changed to a 1 month early access for a huge amount of players.

It bugs me (get it, bugs) that you are so blinded by your baby rage that you can’t see that you paid for an unfinished game and now you are mad for it.

Devs are working on the game, it is the first week. Stop bashing on the game with your angry baby hands.

Edit 2:

And even if this is not an early access per se that’s what you payed for and that’s what you’ve got.

sad frowny face

Snack from Orsha out.

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There is a complete difference between not working perfectly and having actual game breaking bugs/lag. Not to mention this was not marketed as a beta. It was marketed as an early access release for people who paid with the F2P release happening a month later. This is why people are mad. Sounds like you’re the dumb one for not figuring this out on your own.


Continuing the discussion from IMC deleted the announcement talking about the Open Beta:

Going into OBT on the 28th.

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I’m not angry at anything like lag or whatever,

What me and my friends are mad about is trading.

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Who’s the one getting triggered?

Not mad about lag or other issues expected to be around on a launch or whatever, i’m mad about that me and my friends can’t trade with each other.

You xD You made the rage post. I just called you out on your own stupidity :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dumb TOS player over here!

This is not beta if you haven’t realized.

You are totally right, this is not. It is an early access as stated on the thread.

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Yes, the pay 2 win model is the worst part about it right now. But people are mad about lag and bugs, on the 4th day of, read carefully, EARLY ACCESS. People are bashing on a game that has not been released yet.

It has been released.
Twofold considering this is a copy & paste of the Korean release.
Which you now pay to play a month ahead of people who do not pay.

Really no point in arguing with him. He doesn’t seem to understand the difference between a beta that is supposed to weed out the game breaking bugs and a paid for early access that is supposed to be the launch game just a month earlier for those who paid.

Never mentioned the word beta in this post. And even games on full release have bugs and problems with the servers. You don’t seem to understand that on a big game like this, on early access, bugs and other issues might present themselves. EARLY ACCESS people you do know your definitions?

Glad to see you decided to change your whole post to make everyones statements seem out of place now. Way to win the internet.


My guess is because most of the problems we’ve been seeing have been around since the last beta test a few months back. Early access or not, you’d expect a few things be taken care of since then.

What I said is there, just added some info so you can understand you are dumb :wink:

They rushed the game out, so yeah.