Tree of Savior Forum

Filler for Doppel3

Hi, after playing the standard Sword3-HL2-Dopple3-shinobi, I really dislike shinobi in this build. Most of the critical Doppel skills cannot be copied by clones (even after the shinobi patch that’s coming Tuesday). I decide to switch this character with unlocked shinobi to Sword3-Pelt-Corsair-Fencer3-shinobi when given the chance. I feel like Fencer and Corsair utilize clones the best.

Now, I’m gonna start a new Doppel. I will go with Sword3-barbarian2-Doppel3 this time. What should I have for Rank9?

If you REALLY dislike shinobi (warning here, nothing provides better aoe because as a doppel player for a long time now, the hitboxes of doppel skills are lame and usually require a falconer to be at full potential)

You’ll have to go with
Sword1>HL3>Barb1>Doppel3>X (shinobi, this is still doppel focused, you just have a shinobi aoe burst when needed)

also feel free to join the discussion here if you’re interested:

There aren’t many doppel mains right now, if there are any they are usually very heavy invested doppel with trans 10 weapons.

Reason is because they aren’t really comfortable to play with anymore. You’ll have to bash your way to align monsters and hit them with redel/zucken. Zornhau has a larger hitbox thankfully.

Well actually, I don’t really dislike shinobi, just dislike it in doppel build. I just thought it is not fully utilized in doppel builds, so I don’t really wanna waste a character that has shinobi unlocked. I’d rather have the character that has shinobi unlocked to fully utilize shinobi, thus I wanna change it to corsair-fencer.

Doppel is really fun imo, so I wanna rebuild another one. Is a doppel with shinobi far superior than one without? How do you compare sword3-barb3-doppel3 with sword3-barb2-doppel3-shinobi?

They are pretty much the same if you’re just going to focus on doppel, but of course c3 barb has better warcry+attributes and debuff duration.

I’d choose shinobi any day over barb 3 right now, pouncing is lame atm and cannot really compete with having bunshin burst.

You could clear 2-3 (or more, depending on weapon)CM waves with a shinobi barb. Without it, you’ll have to rely on your doppel skills only which have very poor hitbox.

Even your normal attacks have better reach/radius than redel and zucken.

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Thanks a bunch, I guess I will go barb3 for now.

At least pouncing has a 40% chance to knock down XD Stomping kick seems strong too.

You can also try restrain+giant wood goblin card

it won’t work on bosses of course but you get a nice damage sustain as long as restrain is up

  • your seism cleave combo will be stronger

I was going to try Sw1>High1>Barb3>Doppel3>NakMuay on my Doppel but they will not give reset to non-shinobi build so I am not eligible to reset :c
plus, I am not in the mood to do Nak’s hidden quest
But I don’t think other builds can outdps shinobi