Tree of Savior Forum

FENCER Vs Shinobi with build Who win

Build 1 Sword c2 BABA C2 Corsar c1 then Fencer c2 for fencer
2 Sword C2 baba C2 Corsair C2 Then Shinobi c1 For shinobi

For fight All class who is bettter

Whoever lands the stun or the hook first wins?

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I Mean build what is Better not PVP

Oh, that’s a bit hard to decide, you gotta wait for shinobi experts for a proper reply I guess, but so far I can dodge physical attacks well as a fencer so long as I can land my Lunge, which is the problem of not having a gap closer.

If you want a proper pvp build that doesn’t get kited around cata3 would be perfect

between FAST ATK how good on corsair ?

Who can make dps better

Sry for filght all class which one who is better

if it’s for PVP the most popular swordsman pvp build involves
Swordsman 3 > Cataphract 3

others would be having at least corsair c1 to hook, but remember landing a hook point blank range is hard without supports

Neither. Imo. Lol.

@Lostac gets it though.

catap not in my choice beoz i hook and let my member prty atk

the hook can easy if use atti for hook 3 people

the problem is landing the hook, it’s not that simple to hook someone in your attacking range when you don’t have supports.

actually just now you said you hook and let your party members attack, that’s fine then, since your goal is not going to melee hook

It’s hard to decide really.

Both class builds you have are great.

It’s just that, if you use Shinobi, if not used properly…good luck running away for you life…
having barb in the class path is great because of the stun, however you will take time to kill your opponent and you need to get close to the enemy…replacing it with HopC2 for Spear Lunge + Hexen Dropper is a One-Hit KO.
Also good at auto-attacks…

Fencer on the other hand is great too…The only problem you have is rapier has the lowest durability in entire weaponry and you always use skills…and little bit weak on auto-attacks…

if 2 will battle…just like @Lostac said, [quote=“Lostac, post:2, topic:258511, full:true”]
Whoever lands the stun or the hook first wins

coz whenever you are captured, you are stunned for more than 5 seconds if Iron Hook is level 1 higher.

but if you ask me who will I choose? I’ll go with Shinobi…
I love stealth <3

and by the way…

#Baba means LOVE :laughing:

check this thread out if you wanna learn more on SHINOBI if you pick Shinobi ehehe…

Fencer isn’t that good with corsair 2.
reasons being preparation amplifies the next Pierce type attack and attaque coquelle makes pierce type attacks ignore damage, therefore having a lvl 10 sept ettoile and attaque compesee.
as for shinobi, not many make reviews about him but all i know is making clones is basically using Linker’s Joint penalty on yourself

i have new Solution

fencer 1 then go shinobi 1 for insible then use stun and spam skill fencer HAHAHAHA

BABA mean love ^

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Yep! I agree with you buddy :wink:

#Baba Means Loves :slight_smile:

whoever land stun first win ?

nonononono it not true maybe u fail combo he alive and he counter u then u die

so not work " who whoever land stun first win "