Tree of Savior Forum

Fedimian Dina bee farm bot: Gipson

  • Server : Fedimian

  • Team Name : Gipson

  • Location : Dina Bee Farm CH2

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 09:26PM(game time)

  • Evidence

    well, actually i have to say that there’s way more warlock bots here in fedimian but this one is pretty annoying:D he took the whole channel so i have to report him. and this is not the first time that i spotted him as a bot, so dear IMC do something please, we have no authority or we can solve it by ourselves.This is really frustrating.hope u can help us

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John :smiley: thx for helping us fedimian ppl

Hey @armour263, we’ve already banned the player’s account. Thank you for reporting :slight_smile:

thx for helping us:D what a lovely day!
there’s also 2 other bots at ch3 and ch5 now @GM_Francis

1 Like

Another bot
Serve: Fedimian
Team Name:Windows95
Location:dina bee farm ch3
Time:09:56 (Game time)


Location:dina bee farm ch5
Time:10:01 game time

she’s been botting for quite a long time,she’s do something like using flash??? i don’t know how she did this but she’s an advanced bot i think. if u read carefully those posts posted by other player you can find other evidence about the ppl easily
Post by other players:[EU] schwarznagger's Bot Army