Tree of Savior Forum

Fcking fix the clock

Wow, I can’t believe you guys are so salty about daylight savings time. It’s hilarious - keep it up. XD

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IMC, give to Silute the same poll you gave to EU servers.
We need change this pvp/gvg time!

Now (summertime here) we got 01:00AM to 02:00AM GvG time here, this is real hard to play for people who have a life.

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Aww, is someone’s panties in a bunch? Cute.

Geez, it’s like adaptation is an alien concept. ^^;;

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time to get rid of daylight savings and adapt to the modern world

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I’m pretty sure they can’t change the server time, so they end up having to manually change the event times for each region

Touche~ Idk, but plenty other stuff I’m subscribed to observed DTS without so much as an announcement. It was jarring as an eastener, but I got used to it.

This thread just strikes me as people making mountains out of molehills.

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Nowhere did I state or imply you’re not allowed to make your opinions. :stuck_out_tongue: Your opinion is that of what OP mentioned, mine just happens to be about you people being ridiculous~

Besides. Why is OP even complaining about the NA timezone when it’s been that way since, oh, I dunno, the public release of ToS?

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I don’t get the reasoning for implementing daylight savings for SOUTH EAST ASIA servers, is setting up individual clocks for a regional server too complicated for IMC?

…maybe it is, seeing how long they took to change GvG/TBL timings on all other non-NA servers lulz

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Please do something!

I’m in eastern Australia playing on Varena. After the change to EST, dungeon reset is now at 10pm and GVG is at 1am-2am in my local time. This is forcing me to do some of my dailies the next day, when the majority of players from other SEA countries are all done, so it’s much harder to find a party. It’s also making it almost impossible to participate in GVG.

I really, really hope staff would consider adjusting the SEA times. At least by 1 hour so it’s as it was during EDT.



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aussie and kiwi are rare breed in online games, they get ignored all the time and screwed with server choices sad.

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SA too


Truth is, all South Hemisphere Players take Daylight Savings Time (DST) in a different way than the ones from the North Hemisphere, for an example, most of the folks on the US/Europe had just left DST, while people from SA/Oceania entered, that caused PvP and GvG time frames to shift 2 hours in advance, so whoever was playing at 10PM~12AM, now plays at 12AM~2AM, that is the same reason why the EU server got a pool to make the time frame playable, and thusfore, if one side of the community got the benefit of having the GvG time frame selected by an active majority of the players, why cant the others ?