Tree of Savior Forum

Expand Team Storage Guide: 11/13 Confirmed Obtainable Slots 🏆

Kabra Boots Recipe, is not even in the game tho. I was killing a lot of Chupacabra race mobs nothing dropped, then I said “Fck this, Ama go check on the ToS files and see if this recipe is fcking added to the patch”.

Well, it’s sure to say the item is in the patch, but someone has to do the dirty work of mining the files to see which mob drop the recipe :stuck_out_tongue:

i would if only i knew how to do that.

mhm… all recipe being sold out on market, FML

The ones that are a bit rare are gone, but some recipes are still purchasable in Klaipeda.

one of the boxes is in Orsha. could it be that they put “Never Seen Before” to Klaipeda? i will look around

I was actually scouring through Fedimian, no luck or I may have missed it. If anything it could follow suit with the “Bug Hater” which is a collection for Team Storage in a map (Baron Allerno if I’m not mistaken) that’s barely populated/visited. Could have also been placed at Extension (I heard this map/area was recently added).

couldnt find anything in Klaipeda either. i bet they found it all in korean server tho. anyone speak korean…?

I just finished searching through those areas. Didn’t find anything. :frowning:

Dito, couldn´t find any box =(

I can tell you guys that the “Never Seen Before” collection chest doesn’t spawn anywhere in game yet. The other collections return data for where the chest spawns. That one doesn’t. It’s not in KR either. Don’t waste your time trying to find it.


what about Kabra Boots Recipe?

Thanks for the info. Updated. :smile_cat:

All hail!     

[[quote=“Excrulon, post:51, topic:316333, full:true”]
I can tell you guys that the “Never Seen Before” collection chest doesn’t spawn anywhere in game yet. The other collections return data for where the chest spawns. That one doesn’t. It’s not in KR either. Don’t waste your time trying to find it.

Are there other collections with that same situation?

Thx for info. :grin:

Happy to help :slight_smile:

the missing stuff should be available with the new patch

It was long and uphill battle …

Kabra Boots Recipe : Crystal Spider

note:Boots will drop even now(not recipe)

Good Luck :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


i got kabra boot recipe but forgot where @@…didnt know its this worth…thanks for guide mate…u save my life XD

Updated, thanks for the info.