Tree of Savior Forum

EUR servers Yes/no before 29 plz :)

Plz, can you inform us before the release of the EA(29) if an European server will be open or not ?
If not,
do you think that server migration towards one will be possible from the EA servers.

That would mean a lot for EU players to know in advance.


It’s midnight in most of EU when they released today’s info.

From the looks of it they gave 0 information.

But it seems like they are just going with one server.

One server for everyone.

That’s it.


They can track stats easily with Steam, so if enough EU bought a DLC, chances are that we’ll get a designated EU server.

Just gotta wait.

but i dont wanna buy the 50$ one if it end up being useless once EU serv are open.

if i can just know for sure that there wont be an EU serv for the 29, then i’ll simply buy the 10$ pack, to have some fun and not race through the game for leveling :slight_smile:


Staff edit: It has been confirmed that the Founder’s Pack is not tied to the NA server. You may hold onto the rewards and retrieve them on new servers.

The package isn’t for a EU server.

It’s only for NA server only.

###Why would you as a European buy a Founder Package for an American server?

######Besides it did hit the top of sales in EU. I’m sure a lot of them will be insanely disappointed to learn that they just bought into an American server and that there might not be any transfers or EU servers at all and that they just wasted a ton of money.

You can refund before 29 though.

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It’s not.

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