Tree of Savior Forum

Elaboration on trading in next patch?

1:1 trading between two Token users remains the same. However, if even one player does not have a Token activated, the traded item will become [Untradable] after the trade.

I am very excited to finally be able to trade my non-token friends weapons and other things. What I am confused about is that one person still needs to be a token user to trade a non token user? Wasn’t the whole part of this change to allow non-token users to trade each other? Also, are we still going to have HARSH restrictions on trading . . . . like 3 to 5 times a week or something?

Thank you for allowing whatever version of this trading system you are implementing, but the wording is still off.

  1. There is nothing to elaborate whether or not a non-token user can trade between each other, which is the problem. Make the item untradable after the transaction is completed. That is perfectly fine. If two token users trade each other, they should be allowed to trade the items . . . unless you did this because of the BOT issues. Either way, non-token users should be able to trade items between each other . . . . and make it untradeable.

  2. I am assuming you are still keeping the harsh restrictions regarding the number of times a player is allowed to trade. Even when someone dishes out the cash for a token, you still put a cap on how much they can trade. I don’t think it is right to put a cap on trading. PERIOD. Make items untradable and do not allow players to put the item on the marketplace once it is traded. Putting such HARSH restrictions on a basic MMORPG function . . . like trading . . . . is still as bad as not allowing anyone to trade.

The two problems players had with the trading system is that there was no trading allowed between non-token users. The other problem are the ridiculous and harsh restrictions you place on non-token and even token-users. Give the non-token users 30 trades a month . . . give token users unlimited amount of trades a month. Why you made the decision to CONTINUE to put harsh trading restrictions on everyone, still makes no sense.

Wouldn’t the issue be to just not allow certain items to not be allowed in the market and in trades? You are punishing innocent players that want to give this game a chance . . . . because of the BOT players that are abusing the game. You have implemented a report bot function, are showing the community that you are very invested in removing BOTS from the game, and are doing a good job with removing these toxic players from TOS. Why is there a need to continue to put harsh restrictions on trading, even for people who are willing to pay for your premium content? It still makes no sense to me. Trust your community to report the disruptive players that try to cheat the system. Don’t punish everyone with harsh and ridiculous restrictions on trading.

I may be totally off and ill informed about the trading restrictions in the new patch. If I am please let me know because it will determine whether or not my friends and I continue playing the game.


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Once again… the tale goes on~

Great. Do you know anything about the trading restrictions that I don’t know? If you don’t, be gone. Nobody got time to deal with a Pikachu with a ugly face.

And no body got the time to actually read dat wall of… tears tbh…
Every single day, every single patch…

PS. I tried, till the first paragraph.

Great. Go back to Kindergarten if you don’t know how to read. No one said you had to come into this thread and start drama. Find something better to do with your time. Even with a face like that on a Pikachu body, you look ridiculous right now.

That’s the point, thanks for noticing senpai.
Doesn’t seem like your thread is attracting anyone either, so we might as well make some drama out of it. 14mins and only I am here… I am giving you free BUMPS bruh.

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[quote=“lovedove2, post:1, topic:216629”]Wasn’t the whole part of this change to allow non-token users to trade each other?

I think they allow non token user to trade with each other. It only states that if a non token user is involved in the trade the item traded will not be able to be traded again. Or at least that what it seems to state. Reading is hard.

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1:1 trade seems to be possible with 2 non-token users where itens get untradable tag and looks like there’s no cap of this kind of trade, the 30 trades cap is restricted to trades made by 2 token users where the itens keep tradable after it. At least by the announce that’s what it looks like. So when a token user reaches 30 “premium” trades they can keep trading like non-tokens.

Some restrictions are necessary, i don’t like the silver trade idea yet.
And other restrictions are just something made to make token attractive, like market item cap and taxes. These restriction do not make trade impossible for non-token users, just harder

The only restriction about this, that keep concerning me, is team storage, they could at least open it for non-token users and make them untradable after entering storage.

THANK YOU. Finally someone that comes in here and doesn’t make it a joke. Thank you <3.

I figured that was the case. Hopefully there will be no restrictions between two non-token players.

I hope they keep the silver trading gone. It’s easy to get silver in this game.

Im surprised there isnt more people talking about this… All this talk about the trading system and they finally allow non token users to trade and silence. Maybe silence is good?

+1 for Token users not having trade limits. It’s ridiculous, items already lose potential/become untradeable after trading and that should be enough.

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[quote=“lovedove2, post:9, topic:216629, full:true”]I hope they keep the silver trading gone. It’s easy to get silver in this game.
[/quote]Where the lashback~
Oii so quiet~

Yeap, there’s no meaning in have potential loss AND untradable tag in the same game, they have almost the same reason to be, if i were to use both of them, then i would use potential loss only in enchant/awakenin/socketing, and a trade count, like item could be traded up to 5 times or something, because potential loss is related to make itens untradable and make people farm new itens

Sorry for the long text

You’re welcome, i’m on the same boat as you, started the game with 13 friends and now only 2 of us keep looking at the patch news, most of them left because of trade issues that made party playing horrible.