Tree of Savior Forum

Edo’s Ichoring Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide players a theory that they can use to help decide how they want to go about ichoring. Specific advice is given for particular scenarios which I believe might be common, but it is up to the reader to decide if it applies to them.

In the past sierra powder was rare. In my experience with episode 12, I drop way more sierra powder than primus/vaivora equipment so I don’t have enough things to reroll and ichor to exhaust my sierra powder supply. If you buy equipment you might need to also buy your own powder. If powder is expensive, then you might be inclined to factor in its value into your decision making process. I made a spreadsheet that includes the cost of sierra powder so that you can do this. Make a copy and adjust to fit your circumstances.

Using that spreadsheet, I also found that extraction was expected to be cheaper than other approaches under most circumstances. Again, you can adjust the numbers to suit your circumstances. The spreadsheet, like other ideas presented in this guide, is a tool to help in the decision-making process. I can assert that one method is on average cheaper, but I can’t decide for you how much weight the risk of failure has in your decisions.


We got months to get them. I’m getting close to it and know a bunch of ppl who have them for sometime already. Those from PP are also fully tradeable.

It would be nice if IMC would make these more easy available via normal gameplay tho.
Maybe soon*tm.

This is Fedimian market right now.
Price dropped as low as 200 in the previous weeks, then people stopped listing Sierra since it’s just not selling.
It’s not hard to get over 2k from a single cm7, so obviously price dropped a lot.

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I never stated this guide only applied to Klaipeda, but the numbers certainly don’t match up with the new servers which have different rates. People from the new servers can perform the same calculations and reach their own conclusions using the same methodology. Players from other servers but using the same rates can use my spreadsheet and enter different values to reflect their server’s market. Again, the same methodology can be applied.

I don’t think you understand the idea of expected value analysis. You don’t need a large sample size for the analysis to be valid.

It is true that buying ichors from the market is often cheaper than making them yourself. I expect most people to realize that buying things from other people is always an option and it doesn’t need to be stated. And hopefully the people that realize this would take the time to compare the numbers.


Hmm… so let me see if i got it right.
Today if I want to extract a vaivora Ichor, I have 5 trys of 46%?

No, you have 5 trys with 10% chance.
46% chance to success with only 5 pot.

well ■■■■. Thanks.
Another questions: Is it possible to extract ichor with zero potential, does it break?

Is there a way to extract 100% rate?

Not exactly, but you can transmute an Ichor from two pieces of gear. The chance to succeed scales off the Potential of both items (if both items are at max Potential, odds are 100%) and both items are destroyed whether it succeeds or fails. If you use two different items to transmute an Ichor, the chance to succeed still scales the same way, but which Ichor you end up with is a coin flip.

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