Tree of Savior Forum

Easy way to solve Halloween Event problem

Make a new type or candy. The Golden Candy.

This candy cannot be loose if you get hit.

Every monster will have 50% of chance to drop it.

If you get hit, you loose only the Normal Candy.

Put a Max of 200 Golden Candy, so people can fight for 100 Normal Candy.

Can you do this Imc?

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia


Nice Ideia, plz IMC LOOK HERE

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia

Halloween problem is lag, desync, maxed users killing 5 candy people and ninja attacks from the other side of screen. How your idea is solving that? It’s not ✧ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧
You still can get killed right away or even worse, you get almost killed and stay with your 1 golden candy, can’t attack, can’t die, you can only try to steal someone else loot. If you are not lucky you can get more normal candy than golden ones and keep losing them.
There is no easy way to fix problems with halloween event, but they can become less bad if imc would be giving everyone one minute where they can’t attack or be attacked by other users when they join dun or die, with possibility to extend that invincibility(during that one minute) for rest of dungeon. Who wants to kill can die, but those who just want mobs would be able to farm those without need to worry. Without killing you can get ~200, but getting 300 is almost impossible without help.
But honestly, it’s second week of event, anyone still has hope IMC will do something?

Lag and desync is a pain in the ass, but with the suggestion I gave, the event could be more “fair” with everybody

You’d have to also base health on that 100 regular candy and ignore gold candy. Otherwise everybody would be unkillable if they don’t drop in hp. Otherwise, pretty straightforward safety-net mechanic.

I feel bad for the staff members who get tagged constantly in various topics…
It’s been more than a week with people giving tons of suggestions for improvements for the event, as you can see nothing happened so far and I doubt anything will happen at all.
Your idea is nice just like all the other suggestions people have given, but at this point it’s probably too late for them to make changes to the event that will please everybody. Most people already gave up on it and moved on, can’t really expect any change at this point and it’s probably not worth the “resources” of IMC to make any changes either…

The only thing I still hope for is an official announcement that clears up all the mess that’s been caused by this event, I am confident staff members read the forums and know whats going on, yet I assume it’s difficult for them to act on their own.

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I hope they say someting in the next patch notes >.<

Yes but no. As stated above if you stay with 1 Golden Candy all the time you’ll have to find candies on the ground because you’re going to deal 0 damage with 1 candy. Invincible people is not the solution and doesn’t make any sense. If you can still get killed with your gold candies, it’s still not a good solution as you’re not going to drop all your candies.

  • Solve desync and lag
  • Add 3/5 sec of invulnerability after spawn
  • Increase the spawn rate of mobs and don’t calculate it with the number of players in the chan
  • Copy past Porings behaviour (they eat candies and drop all they eaten upon death) > not going to solve anything but it’s funny

2 or less than 2 deal 1 dmg :slight_smile:

You guys should know that this event isn’t really well received, even in ktos. Hopefully they learn their lesson and don’t bring this event back.

I will spread the salt here


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They are totally different games:

Tree of the Savior - iTos
Tree of the Savior - kTos

Nor does it seem that they are products of the company itself … mechanics of selling different TP, totally different store items, ways to sell costumes, to correct mistakes, to make events, to treat their customers …

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