Tree of Savior Forum

Easy solution to Goldseller chat spam

Add ‘time out’ penalty for excessive chat spam. For example, if you type in 3 LONG messages in a span of 3 seconds you get muted for the next minute. Something along those lines would really help with the lag caused by town bots.

EDIT: Also, make it so chat bubbles don’t obscure the UI. The UI should take priority.

Here’s the better solution: [ADDON] LKChat (Alpha)

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Thanks for the link but you shouldn’t need an Addon to fix such an obvious problem. This should be baseline for the game.

omg, what a completely original idea.
isn’t it amazing that no one has ever suggested this before?

… i mean aside from the dozen other -identical- “solutions”, and the hundreds of -similar- ones.

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Apparantly it needs to be repeated over and over until it is fixed. Go be an ass hole somewhere else if you have nothing interesting to say.

…said the kettle to the pot.

seriously. the idea is old, and i mean the “LONG before ToS was ever made” kind of old.

the game engine itself is a decade old. (it was created originally for Granado Espada.)
do you really think you’re so special that you managed to come up with some kind of “brilliant” idea that has -never- occurred to anyone at IMC, despite them running games for more than a decade already?

it’s either not possible to add this feature in to the existing game engine, or they simply choose not to add it.

this shouldnt be even mention. should be auto included in features. even RO has this

“it’s either not possible to add this feature in to the existing game engine, or they simply choose not to add it.”

Well no shiat, Sherlock. Aren’t you a clever one! I don’t care if I’m the first of the 1000th person mentioning this, the whole point of this thread bring attention to a problem that needs adressing, the more people talk about the issue, the more seriously the Devs will take it. If a player can create an Addon that fixes the issue I’m sure the Devs could do it as well.

Don’t bother replying to me, I’m ignoring you from this point onward, you have nothing of value to say.

this isn’t RO. this isn’t the RO game engine. what is/isn’t possible in RO is not the same here.

10 years ago, botters and spammers were simply not a common issue. sure it was known about, but generally with the attitude of “haha, what sort of idiot would waste -real- money buying stuff in a -game-?”
heh, well, clearly it -is- a thing… but the game engine was written back when it wasn’t.

look, genius, let’s break it down nice and simply for you…

“it’s not possible to add this” – if it’s not possible to add, then what do you expect them to do? “not possible” doesn’t mean “a lot of work”, it means “NOT possible”.

“they choose not to add it” – this means that they’ve already made a decision, and why would they change it just because you cry at them?

“nothing of value to say” – just like a spoiled child; if it isn’t what you -want- to hear, you just pretend you didn’t hear it.

hey, since you’re acting like a little child anyway, why don’t you threaten to hold your breath until they do what you want?

you ■■■■■■■ stupid or what? that just coding man. every IT or game developer should be able to do that. if you can code it 10 years ago im sure you can do it even better now.

IT is not the same as programmer.
game developer is not the same as programmer.

“it’s just code” is not the same as “it’s well written code that is easy to modify”.

“it’s inconvenient” is not the same as “it’s a major problem crippling our servers”.

nobody likes the spam, but that doesn’t automatically make it worth the necessary time and effort to deal with it ahead of all the other problems that -are- seriously affecting the servers.

there’s a “block” option for a reason.

so your english is better than mine. but who cares.

anyway ikr like the bots and spammers are yeah “not worth the necessary time and effort to deal with?” and not affecting the servers?

do you even know how long my block list is? i didnt play this game to just block some bot spammers.

clean it out then. few if any spambots last more than a few hours.
i wiped my list completely, and then over the next 6 hours of play added like 5 bots to it.

even if i had to block 5-6 bots every time i went to town (roughly hourly) it would still be not nearly as big a problem as the fuss you’re making over it.

This doesn’t really solve the problem though. Each spam-bot could still broadcast their message every 2 seconds - which would still be incredibly annoying.

Not to mention that each spammer could just use 2 bots for every 1 they currently use in order to spam their message just as often as they currently do.

Adding a chat delay might help to make things a little more bearable, but it is definitely not going to work as a complete solution. It is too easy to get around.

They should add list of banned website name and filter the message by using string manipulation.

  1. Convert string to lower case
  2. Replace character which is popularly used to substitute real character like 0 for o or $ for s
  3. Remove all space and special character
  4. Check the result string for banned website name

This is very easy to do. Any competence programmer can do it.

how do you propose stopping something like…

" T.O.S.G.O.L.D…C.O.M "
" search ‘ToS Gold promo code TOS12345’ on google’

Sure, technically IMC could keep updating their Regex filter as gold-spammers keep coming up with new ways to write their URLs (and as gold-spammers register new URLs that haven’t been banned yet), but that seems pretty ineffective. It would just be a cat-and-mouse game between IMC and gold-spammers, and their are more gold-spammers than IMC employees.

You didn’t read my procedure. In this case, the banned name should be tosgold. All of those messages will be reduced and contain “tosgold” so yes those messages will not be broadcasted.

There is no one absolute way to solve this problem. It’s better to use many method like chat spam detection and filter word.

I did read your procedure, but your procedure is flawed. What about a theoretical website called simply, are you going to ban the word ‘Silver’? Or how about Talt.Com (since I am sure is already taken)?

My point is, without the .com qualifier your expression will be too vague. It costs <$5 to register a domain name, any gold-seller could find a good domain name to register that IMC could not reasonably ban.

Also my last suggestion,
" search ‘ToS Gold promo code TOS12345’ on google’
would bypass any filter you can possibly come up with, and would still allow gold sellers to efficiently advertise their website (the promo code is used as a unique identifier that would make Google rank the gold-seller’s landing page in the #1 Google results position).

You are asking IMC to put effort into developing a solution that is not actually going to work.

search ‘ToS Gold promo code TOS12345’ on google’

  1. search ‘tos gold promo code tos12345’ on google
  2. search ‘tos gold promo code tos12345’ on google
  3. searchtosgoldpromocodetos12345ongoogle
  4. the string contain “tosgold”

This method is very easy to do. That’s why I suggest it. About qualifier, it’s also very easy to do by using string manipulation. Just prevent any website advertise in chat by also detecting any possible qualifier for example dotC0m => .com

I don’t say that it’s the best solution and it can be hard to detect if the string is complicate (which will use more CPU calculation). But I still think that it’s better than just let them spam and cause server load.

Edit: The game has already implemented banned word detection in chat. So in theory, it shouldn’t be hard to add more filter. IMO

easy in theory, but a lot of work in practice. they’d have to do a maintenance twice a day every day to keep up with the spammers.

tosgoId (if you can’t see it: “tosgoid”, with a capital i, not a small L)

and here, the unicode characters: (i wonder if these will display in the forum correctly…)

S-like things - śŝşšʂȿ
D-like things - ƌɗ
G-like things - ǥǧ

wow, there’s a LOT of O-like things… and i didn’t even get very far thru the list in charmap.

…each of those would count for 3 variants if only used by itself. pair them up for even more combos.
just using those O-like characters (and original O’s) i estimate at least 575 combinations.
using other lookalikes, the combinations reach astonishing numbers of possibilities.

of course, you could use simpler methods; just use character substitution… if “x” is in (string) replace with “y” and -then- compare to the baseline phrases… but that could be hundreds of possible replacements needing to be checked for every message sent, before you’ve even started checking if the message is from a goldseller. eventually the chat servers would just implode under the load.

it was already summed up quite well…