Tree of Savior Forum

DWA affected by dex now?

can anyone please confirm if DWA is affected by Dex stat now? i went doppel path for today’s testing and can’t test it myself lol

got it, still gonna test it myself tommorrow thanks man,.

done testing it with my other swordsman confirming what was linked above (sly’s post)

I think we need official confirmation… I remember watching a video of ktos corsair testing DWA on a dex build. Sword and dagger. It definitely seem to affect the attack speed.

Did you test with a dagger?

If yes, then perhaps DWA is bugged atm. Im on mobile so I can’t find the video right now…

yeah, dwa is not working with dex, but fellow corsair1-2 now have pistol use, even without corsair3 since imc have put it, but once you reset the corsair you will lose the ability to use pistol until you get corsair 3 again.
well, with manamana, my corsair is with 1,4k elemental atk :(, to bad that i do not gain aspd with dex, since i would have 1,4k+blessx3hits minimum, it would be very nice to play with it , even more since chaplain now seems to be very good for clerics, it would be easier to find a full spr chaplain allowing a 2k+ bless and 4 lines of damage.

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tried and tested with dagger (karacha dagger) / pistol (manamana) dex doesnt affect DWA you can test it yourself, i have 64-82ms ping if you would ask