Tree of Savior Forum

Druid support builds

In terms of support in PVE I’ve been planning to go a Cleric c2 > Dievdirby c3> Druid c2 or oracle>plague doctor (but that’s another topic entirely)

the other build I have been looking at recently is something like

with more in Aukuras less in Daimo. So, for druid in the later stages of the game and end game pve do people think Diev c3 or Krivis c3 would be stronger in terms of support? I’m -guessing- melstis works with sterea tropf, but I dont have any idea what besides carnivory would be good for bosses and dungeons. I guess you could use transform to turn into a plant to gain the hp/sp recovery?

Alternatively I could scratch this idea and my original go Cleric c2> Diev c3> Oracle> Plague Doctor, but I really like the idea of protection flowers :V

Is melstis very SP heavy? Druid is more of a dps class rather than a support class. The only support skill is from Druid C2’s Sterea Trofh which I think on its own is doesn’t need additional help from melstis.

Alternatively how about Priest3 route? like


Can alternate between Stoneskin and Sterea Trofh for the ultimate protection?

I read you could do things to make the mesitis sp cost a little lower because it stores potion effects as well.

I feel like if I was going to go priest c3 I might as well go get statues… maybe >.>

I realize druid is more of a DPS class, but I think that it’s kit could be utilized in different ways, just not sure if it would work within the game. I cant find great uses for transform and telepath, besides utilizing the plant thing for pve either… :V

PD is generally considered a better support, and Druid is typically picked for its DPS.

Out of those two builds I would pick the C2 > Diev3 > Druid2. Diev is a much better supportive class than Krivis. You get significant CD reduction, an AoE silence, reduced SP consumption, and probably more damage against bosses with Owl statue.

This build is honestly more of a DPS build with some support though. You’ll have enough support for pretty much all content with just Cleric 2.

Also, check out this thread about a C2 > Diev3 > Druid > PD build. It’s a very strong world boss fighting build.