Tree of Savior Forum

Druid 3 INT - stats/gear questions

Hello I’m going druid 3 on my diev3 with 160 con rest in int, since werewolf deals physical dmg I assume it can be dodged/blocked so I will need some dex as well.

  • How much dex do I need to hit ppl in PvP (I’m guessing in pve it wont be a problem) ?

  • Should I go ellaganos or glass mole ?

  • magic amp gets buffed with henge transformation ?

  • max peta will out perform animus for this build ? *160 con.

  • Im diev3/cleric2 should I go for blunt or rod ?

  • how about using 2 sissels with no dex for frenzy procs ?


Don’t build druid for pvp.

Miko should be capable of removing both sterea trofh, transform & lycanthropy with gohei.

And always use a blunt, as you benefit of both matk and patk while in lycanthropy.

So miko can remove any buffs ? Bloodletting/beak mask included ?

anything ! haha Miko its the class i caled to gods <3

While blocking attacks … OP as hell.

@edit: How big is the hit box for gohei ?

See: Hello Guys! :D Q&A post about Miko :3 and the few posts below it.

Gohei should be slightly larger then melee range. But it’s magic so it cannot be evaded or blocked.
And invulns, safety zone and counterspell all get removed via gohei as well.

Miko is gonna be any Druid3 bane on PvP.

But meanwhile:

I’m a druid3 that often PvP
My build is 100 CON the rest into INT
The way i adquire DEX is like this:

Plate Gloves and Green gems

Karacha Dagger and random gem i added long ago

4x Ellaganos cards lvl 10, and looking for 2 more to replace Chappa and Wood Spirit cards.

Why not chappa cards for me?

Because now i need to use SP pots to keep Lycan up instead of at specific moments to burst. AND most of my skills are damage over time, only Heal could be considered a nuke.

I forgot to add:

Some flying monsters have so much evasion that you would probably need plate gloves outside PvP aswell.

I hit warriors with low DEX without a problem, archers like 20-30% of the time.

Have you tested sissel bracelets ?

What do you think of animus ? (I have 165 con, guess I will have more then 400 hp rec lvl 330).

Btw great feedback, thank you sir.

I’d love to use Sissels, but i’m still having accuracy problems on TBL. And i don’t feel like reducing it more.

I was hunting for Animus, then i realized it gives +SP which i’m avoiding to keep Lycanthropy up as much as possible. And Max Petamion gives DEX - INT - STR which benefits Lycan physical skills. AND Miko can remove Animus buff on PvP =P.

Currently using Rhevisan Bracelets, because that +CON hp gets doubled once trasnformed.

LoL that miko again…

Can you tell me if transform bonus is based on your total matk/atk/hp, I want to know if equips like wiz bracelets/catacombs… etc will get their bonus doubled.

Also, the bonus is for matk/patk/hp only or does it double other stats as well ?

It’s based on your total Matt/Patt as shown on the status window.

The boost is:

+100% Patt
+100% Matt
+100% HP

I added that info here (with a correction comment, because i just realized i can’t edit ToSbase comments)