Tree of Savior Forum

Dpk more difficult than before?

So 2 more days? We see wether theres changes or any explanation from their side.

Channel based DPK is bad, but the alternative (Ie: Ragnarok Online) is just as bad.

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Player based DPK is a nice idea but total RNG is still better than channel based DPK. If you’re farming an item that has a 1 in 10,000 droprate, it has a 1 in 10,000 droprate. On average it’ll take you 10,000 kills to get it. You may be unlucky and not get it for 20,000 kills. But you can log on every day and kill 500 mobs and log off if you want, and you’ll always have that 1 in 10,000 chance to get it. With channel DPK you have to sit in that channel all day and hit the 10,000 kill count or else someone might come through and get your drop and reset that counter. If you just killed 500 mobs every day you would literally never get it because the server would go into maintenance and reset the DPK before you reached it.


This is why rng>>>>>>dpk

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RNG is ■■■■ too, have the chance that it will literally never drop too (I looking at you Monster Hunter and you damn Rathalos Ruby).

DPK is a nice idea, but don’t work because of the low player population and spawn rate of some monsters.

I really like the drop system of FFXII, killing the same monster make chains that increase the drop rate and quantity of itens that the monster drop.

I played MH too and I’m perfectly fine with plate/gem/mantle drop rates.

It’s the fact that you could hunt down something whenever you want instead of staying on the damn computer for so long not realizing your drop has already been stolen

MH4U was amazing. I’ve never had an issue beating down monsters and the drop-rates were amazing at times. I’ve had the bad luck of farming certain things such as Zinogre Skygem and whatnot for 5+hours but man, good times.

Farming Fatalis Mats on MH2G was one hell of an experience for me :confused: But yeah, Rathalos ruby sure did wasted 1 week of my life.

This is why this game devs are horrible.

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And you’ll still likely never get it at this low a killcount, which is why pure RNG is bad.

Even if YOU get it, ten other players never will. Bell curve and all. RNG does not mean that, after 10k kills, you get one, it just means that the chance is fixed. Which also means that you may be farming it for months, without progress or seeing one drop - entirely possible and within the bell curve. RO showed this well. The only thing you could reliably get were things were drops from enemies you killed EN MASSE, like I did with my Grandcross crusader back in the glastheim days. Tons of raydric cards, but only ever saw one Khalitzburg card, despite killing MANY of them.

As said, the only real solution is DPK (as a safety net) that is player based. Solves every problem. You get your chance on every enemy, but also have a safety net that after X enemies, you DEFINITELY get it.


I never got a problem in ro to farm Cards or other stuff.
You must be extremly unlucky to never get it.
Sometimes it takes longer sometimes you get it quick thats rng.
And i farmed around 50 Black Rosarys in ro last year (0.02% drop 22 on the map) Rng is fair DPK not.

DPK is Sh!t you have to farm for hours or you effort is wasted.
(Or somebody just steal it)

And rng doesn´t make you hate other players >.>


No sir, i actually get a lot of cards in ro using these method. Kill 500 daily, sometimes you get nothing and others you get even two cards, and im talking about legal rates, i.e, 1 in 10000


With RNG there’s always the chance you get what you wanted right away, but on the other side, there is the chance that you never get it. That’s just the nature of RNG. Can we put that discussion down now? Mixing RNG with a personal DPK as a safety net is a good thing to have so that the chance that you never get it isn’t the reality of even a handful of players.

If you don’t believe anybody could possibly be so extremely unlucky as to not drop their desired item after months of work, why are you fighting against the DPK safety net anyways? You clearly don’t believe that anybody would possibly hit the DPK count before RNG blessings come around. So it doesn’t affect you in any sense.

I believe the character merge of the current journal system is happening because the personal DPK is going to run on that system (which is already tracking your monster kills). It’s also going to keep any number storing on the server and away from the client so people can’t cheat.

This isn’t how statistics works at all. With a normal distribution (RNG) most of the bell curve will cluster around “dropped between 5,000 and 15,000 kills” with “never dropped after 30,000 kills” being the far off fringe. Rather than “Ten other players will never get it for every one that does” it’s more like “one hundred players will get it under 15,000 kills for every one that takes more than 30,000”. The idea that you can just have serial bad luck is superstition, and while I would prefer some kind of personal DPK just for consistency it’s really not necessary and most games work just fine without it. Channel based DPK is the worst of all possible solutions.


Here is how it is right now.
I was farming mourning bird tail, the drops DPK data is as follow:

  1. 850
  2. 890
  3. 1055
  4. 1013
  5. 160
  6. 943

For the gods sake, did you accidentally make the “scale down” function upside down? Is it “scale up” now?

Jesus Christ, I’ve farmed so many mats and the newest update is the worst of the worst.
It’s either the scale down is bugged or the max DPK went up to 4000.
This is insane. Please, no more new ideas, give me back my 450-650 DPK.
This is killing me, you guys messed it up, just, don’t do anything new and revert back to the original system. Godsh, I’ve never been this angry about this game.


Don’t abandonned us pleeaaaase :smile:

Has always been like that since IMC decided to changed the previous DPK. Someone even went as far as 1.3k to get one if my memory serve me right. It was tested so much that we concluded it was “random”.

What we still have today is random. If IMC reverted back the previous pure DPK system, lots of vocal people will get angry again. I also liked the previous system but it is so hard to argue with these vocal popular minorities and IMC tends to listen with them.

I stopped farming, Im going insane my time is solely eaten just farming mats, wait till its fixed.

Do not worry everyone after all the arguments about facts and the truth somewhere in somebody’s mind this is no longer an issue and fixed. They are just taking feedback on all these posts so keep the data and thoughts about the system rolling in and stop complaining about the wrong things. I just hate it when people have to go and say all these false and negative opinions.

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Finally finished my Lyoni Horn farming.

Stats on the last 5 (rough estimate, forgot to list down) -







Adventure Journal record:

10824 kills
18 drops (raw, no swell or pillage)
Avg = 1 horn/571 kills
Avg kills = 400~/hr
Fastest raw drop (Cleared the channel, didn’t leave, still sole-DPKer) = around 40
Longest drop = 1200

got a few from my thau + market.

Shout out to Wolfy’s hidden repair shop at Emmet and Nier’s 6 hour playlist for keeping me company