Tree of Savior Forum

Doubts about equipment

Greetings Saviors,

I am returning to play with some of my friends and we are having a hard time trying to figure out what is the current Best In Slot for each of us, Would you mind to give us a little of help, you don’t need to be too specific just what we are looking for and where to look for it (if possible, other wise we can google it). You don’t need to call the BIS for each class, if you answere one or two it will be more than enough for us since we don’t really want to take much of your time. We already have the top tier equipment for cap 280, so we should have some struggles to get the new BIS but we will make it work some how.

Our Classes:




Arch>Ranger3>Rouge>SR2 (not sure if rouge is part of this build, or it was replaced by scout).

Thanks in advance. :smiley:

If you already have Lolopanther equipment, you can keep it and only get a new weapon.
If not, try to get higher level equipment:

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Sadly we don’t have full Lolo since ET was not complete when we stopped playing (it was just 10 floors for that time)… yeah, we have a lot without play this game :stuck_out_tongue: Shall we complete Lolo or shall we look for another set before go for Solmiki?

If your damage is strong enough, you can go solmiki. You must finish lolopanther remaining floors once to go to solmiki.

If you need to see a video guide, here’s one:

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Oh!!! That is really awsome, thank you very much :smiley:

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