Before the mechanics rework I used to be a happy doppelsoldner who was happy with his little DoV and hurricane that could. Getting 150% extra damage and becoming a blender of Doom was pretty fun and getting to maul mobs with nice ASPD ala old RO was all I needed. Now however, I noticed something really worrysome for me.
Since the very moment I set my eyes on ToS, I´ve wanted to be that out-of-place one-handed spear doppel. DoV and Cyclone where my go-to skills. What baffled me after the changes was not so much the Cyclone nerf but the DoV change… tho I am inclined to call it nerf as well.
From giving 150% extra damage at lvl 15 (and after properly stacking it up) now it only gives a lousy 33%. Sure the damage taken is only 19% now, but really… come on…
But the point of my thread is not that. The point of this thread is… How viable you guys see pulling either a Doppel C1 or C2? To me it looks like you either go Doppel C3 or skip the class completelly. DoV scales bad on C1 and all the skills you get on C2 only get reall work well till C3 when you get their power-spike attributes.
I am bummed because I still feel cyclone could be a skill worth going for… being multi-hit with status resistance and minor movement capabilities, it works wonders both for PVE (clearing mobs) and PVP (doing ok damage but most importantly, chain-stunning with restrain). However, the rest of the skills from both C1 and C2 are extremelly lackluster without C3 extra skill-points and attributes. Is cyclone a class-seller still or is doppelsolder now a “go big or go home class”?