Tree of Savior Forum

Does [SEA]Telsai Server has been relocated to SG Physically?

I was wondering if the server itself has been relocated already to SG physically. Because i did try to use Wtfast but the server information that it gives me is that the server is still on NA and not on SG at all. Any IMC staff can clear this or verfiy this issue? Im still having 0.365 - 0.532 ping in game even though im on SEA already.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

heard this coming thursday

It has not yet been physically relocated
It is likely that relocation process will only begin after their planned transfer for the South American server or maybe even before F2P

No, will be relocated later.
1-2 week later since they are taking transfer request for SA server.

Don’t worry, they didn’t move the servers yet, as confirmed in another topic :slight_smile:

As SA transfer requests are being taken this week, I bet they will transfer to SA next maintenance, and then in the other week move the servers. Keep in mind this is a personal guess.

They said everything will be done before F2P release, so i think it will be 2nd week of May.

Is it so hard to read? You didn’t have to tag the staff for something like this. It was already stated below that “AT A LATER DATE, the location of Fedimian (EU) and Telsiai (SEA) servers will be moved to Germany and Singapore respectively.”