Tree of Savior Forum

Diverse Monk Build

Currently I am following this build

If anyone can. Please tell me the pros and cons in this and if it is viable.

Also if it is viable what would rank 8 most likely be?


No cleric2 so you can’t heal parties.
And krivis doesn’t do much for you.
Neither does pala1.

Check Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics for build advice imo.



if u want paladin or krivis

Cleric2>Krivis2>Monk3 (i Dont Reccomend This one)

Cleric2>Diev2 is best monk build right now due to Laima and Owl > Preist
Owl can be used late game with Breaking Wheel, and has insane base damage

you also can warp whenever you want

Cleric 2 it’s mandatory, you won’t have enough heal with C1.

Then you can peak between the two most popular build Diev 2> Monk 3 or Priest 2> Monk 3. First one it s more a solo Dps build and the second one a support build for party play but it is harder to lvl solo.