Tree of Savior Forum

Dievderby or Priest/Chaplain

I’m sort of torn between the two and I was curious about a few things. My goal is to be a support/full support of a party that hopefully goes to end game. So I want something that can do well in end game dungeons, this is strictly PVE although if it works in PVP also that is a bonus.

  1. What is the play of dievderby like? I think I know what to expect from my priest at the level I’m at so I was wondering how different dievderby is.

  2. Are they both equally viable end game? And if that is the case would either of them change the structure of a party? Or can both of them succeed as a full support.

Thanks for the help!

Check out some of the discussion in here:

There’s some talk regarding FS vs diev and endgame stuff

Awesome thats exactly what I wanted.