Tree of Savior Forum

Diev or Priest Paladin [again]

Question regarding what build to go for:

Build1: Cleric 2 > Diev 1 > Pala 3 > PD
11 tiles healing
20% cd totem from diev

Build2: Cleric > Priest 2 > Pala 3 > PD
blessing + sacrament + revive

I’m aiming for a pve/pvp hybrid. Thats why I’m going pala instead of a full support priest/chaplain. Most discussions so far points out to Build1 as being first choice but some questions are still pending for me. Say I want a STR pala going as main healer of my party:

Is the 11 tiles heal really worth it? Knowing we will lose bless and sacrament?
20% reduction totem is really cool, plus the physical carve attack to combo with smite, but is it also worth getting instead of having the priest sacrament double attack?

PS: I’m also aware that end game content like Earth Tower requires a full healer full support priest and going pala won’t place me in. :frowning:

Hope someone shed some light on this.

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Frankly, priest2 for paladin is not a option. You’ll lack healing and gain far to little in return.

Nor is end game content that strict, almost any build with cleric2 + barrier (scrolls) can get the job done. See:

Priest3 can also do the first 5 floors, but from what i saw struggles more to keep allies alive.

Imo you should chose between cleric2/diev vs cleric2/priest as a paladin.

What bugs me is not knowing how much exactly do I “not win” by going priest2.

I see a lot of priests going bless + sacra autoattack early game and they cut trough almost all maps easily.

Does bless + sacra scales that bad on later levels?

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Dont know about pala builds but im going for cleric2diev3druid2. That buikd has the heal tiles from cleric, safetyzone immunity, dievs immunity statue (requires walking abround statue but should be np when people learn it plus immunity from druid.

Either one is good and Dievdirby offer more late-game power tool than Priest does.

To understand this concept, let take a look the difference between Dievdirby and Priest from both build.

###C2 Cleric > C1 Dievdirby > C3 Paladin > C1 Plague Doctor

  • Considered to be one of the standard special build for Earth Tower raid and offers massive utilities for the party.

###C1 Cleric > C2 Priest > C3 Paladin > C1 Plague Doctor

  • Standard physical DPS Paladin build and served as sub-DPS within the party or highly wombo combo with AoE Linker.

###Pros: Mainly Paladin and Plague Doctor

  • It offers high defensive monsters control with Barrier.
  • It offers element resistance buff with Resist Element.
  • It offers meat-shield from monster under effect of Conversion.
  • One-shot utility against Undead monsters with Turn Undead.
  • If offer huge SP regeneration synergies with Statue of Goddess Zemyna and Restoration Attribute.
  • Power Smite Hyper burst DPS under Conviction debuff.
  • Decent regeneration from Healing Factor.
  • Damage over time DPS with Incineration.
  • It offers immunity resistance against several debuffs with Bloodletting.
  • 80 Percent Rank 3 Immunity resistance with Beak Mask (Self-buff).
  • Spreading debuff power-tool with Pandemic.
  • Extremely powerful cure tool to remove any debuff with Fumigate

###Cons: Mainly Paladin and Plague Doctor

  • Very few DPS skills
  • Only one range attack tools (Incineration).
  • No invulnerability skill for party-play

###C2 Cleric + C1 Dievdirby

  • Extra square tiles from Heal
  • Free blocks from Safety Zone attribute (Saved a lot of skill points for other skill)
  • Extra +1 skill from Divine Might (Best skill in game)
  • Reset aggros with Fade (To save allies or yourself)
  • Additional attack-power-tool with Carve (Offer the same DPS as C3 Smite)
  • 20 Percent Cool-down reduction from Statue of Goddess Laim


###C1 Cleric + C2 Priest

  • High defense buff tool from Aspersion.
  • Extra DEX bonus for high DEX-DPS class build with Monstrance.
  • Flat DPS with Blessing.
  • Free revival-tools from Resurrection and Revive.
  • Burst healing from Mass Heal. (It also replaced the missing healing power from Heal).
  • Additional attack line with Sacrament.

Based on my experiences during KOBT, I find Dievdirby more effectively than Priest because it offer more healing power, extra DPS tool against plant, and decent cool-down reduction for party play

11 tiles square is definitely recommended if you are planning to play Pure STR paladin because each tiles can recover up to 5% max HP without any INt.

Plus, Paladin Restoration has a hidden passive and it double the Heal affect.

Once you hit late game, flat damage scaling buff from Blessing is entirely useless. To be exactly, late game is all about Critical, Magic
Amplification, and Combos + synergies with other classes.

Not many people might notice this about C1 Dievdirby… but their carve skill nearly almost the same damage as C3 Smite.

Also, smite is extremely weak against Plant monster and Carve will make up for it.

Their base is 178 Damage and it hit up to 3-4 times with 3 charges (overheat). (Not sure if it hit up to 3-4 times, someone told me it was 5 per hits per cast last time).

178 x 4 = (712 damage)
890 x 3 = (2136 Total damage) while C3 Smite has 1771 based damage.

####P.S. The calculation does not included with base damage, stats, and etc. It all raw based calculation.

I hope this answer all your questions.


Sadly yes, blessing/sacrament quickly turn into a minor benefit at best at late game.

You can easily get 500 str or int by lvl 280 from stat points, then you still get to factor in your weapon (lolopanthers+0 are 300+) your level bonus (1lvl = 1 attack so +280) and whatever +elemental dmg you can get on top of it. (Arde is 153 fire for example).

Which are all doubled by enhance attributes for most skills in game, meaning you easily go past +2k dmg a hit. Cure/Heal/Zaibas scale even higher due to their int bonus.

Sacrament/Blessing maxed gives a +250 dmg max for skill based builds. (bonus dmg isn’t effected by enhance, but sacrament’s holy dmg is. Hence 170+80 = 250.)

It really doesn’t compare that well for skill based builds. And that’s just from the first 280 levels of a planned 600 total…

This is also a nice example of elem dmg scaling:

Attack based builds are a bit different of course.
Generally speaking because they typically have no enhance attributes to rely upon and benefit a lot from the bonus hits that get boosted by their elem and bonus dmg.

Though those are harder to compare in general due to different atk speeds and variations in their builds.

But arguably chaplain is best for boosting their dmg, as last rites as minimally as a secondary sacrament.

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Perfect man! Thanks! :slight_smile:

No more doubts!
Very informative. That could be in Paladin Build Compendium and FAQ [Updated 29/04/2016] somewhere too. For future reference!

Cool! Got it! The video was very clear.

Currently working my way up with the C2 Cleric -> C1 Diev -> C3 Paladin. I was wondering if Plague Doctor was really worth it for the final stage? Having the dispell and immunity would be great for support, but I’m just thinking from a solo perspective wouldn’t Monk C1 be a good finish too? Giving more attacks to work with, but you still have Barrier/Restoration/Heal/Safety Zone for support.

I saw someone going Kabalist, I think maybe for the Ein Sof

dunno, trying to figure it out yet