Tree of Savior Forum

Diev into plague doctor... is this good?

I’ve seen a few people go from Cleric 2 --> Diev 3 --> Miko --> Plague doctor

What are the benefits of going this route? From what I see krivis offers a bit more debuffs and dmg. Any ideas?

I want to make a plague doctor but dunno which path to take… and the offical PD guide really only wants you to go into krivis but i would like to know if htere are any alternatives?

I don’t know where you found the info of krivis required for plague doctor.

The forum is full of PD build variants, with sadhu, bokor, diev and even Priest + chaplain.

I would really like to give you some links but i’m with a cellphone atm

I found it in the cleric section, official plague doctor thread topic…

and the pathways all include krivis… is this an updated version or an older one…? If its older one is there any updated offical threads?

At the moment some good Plague Doctor INT builds i recommend are:

My advice is to search in the thread “An intermediate guide to clerics” infos about PD

Krivis is receiving some nice changes and stay tuned with the new classe Zealot changes in korea.

okay thanks so much! xD

About the route C2 - Diev3 - Miko - PD2

But it’s abit old for now.

Diev’s owl will soon be scaling with SPR, just be aware. Owls are summons now.

Krivis doesn’t offer more damage, that’s a misconception, because Krivis only offers good damage if you build around autoattacking or Taoist. 1 Rank in Pardoner is basically as much if not more additional damage via Incineration/Plague Vapors as 3 Circles of Krivis offer with Zaibas,Divine Stigma and Aukuras. Also, by not going Sadhu, you lose quite a huge amount of possible damage of Transmit Prana.

As for builds, putting in Pardoner (debuff time increase) or Sadhu is better for pure damage, while you’d want Diev mainly for protection and easy mode (reduced CD, invulnerability,silence on monsters) paired with some damage of the owl statues.
Bokor is mainly used because Pandemic spreads Hexing easily, so you can affect more monsters with your Effigy/have higher damage with Damballa,as Bokor is potentially stronger than Plague Doctor.