Krivis doesn’t offer more damage, that’s a misconception, because Krivis only offers good damage if you build around autoattacking or Taoist. 1 Rank in Pardoner is basically as much if not more additional damage via Incineration/Plague Vapors as 3 Circles of Krivis offer with Zaibas,Divine Stigma and Aukuras. Also, by not going Sadhu, you lose quite a huge amount of possible damage of Transmit Prana.
As for builds, putting in Pardoner (debuff time increase) or Sadhu is better for pure damage, while you’d want Diev mainly for protection and easy mode (reduced CD, invulnerability,silence on monsters) paired with some damage of the owl statues.
Bokor is mainly used because Pandemic spreads Hexing easily, so you can affect more monsters with your Effigy/have higher damage with Damballa,as Bokor is potentially stronger than Plague Doctor.