Tree of Savior Forum

Diev Druid for PvP?

I’ve heard alot of clerics saying diev>druid is the best build for pvp and I can see in theory why it would be a great build but statues take alot of time to setup and can be knocked away and break your safe space.
I have never gone past diev 2 so I really don’t have much experience, I also never tested ausine statue.

Any diev>druid can give me some feedback on how this build handles in PvP ?


Here you go. You can ask all questions in the thread, or PM the author. :slight_smile:

You can be invulnerable for as long as you want with ausrine/sterea/safety zone and can get out of ground spells via fade.

With druid’s telepath you can also make them walk into your owls which deal considerably more damage than carnivory (they bypass magic defense for some reason). You pretty much rely on telepathy for kills and no one really wants to go in statue range even with dispeller.

I’m using diev3druid2 btw and have been in several wars.

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