Tree of Savior Forum

Did the patch failed?

sad, i wanted to buy uska costume…, better stay away from these costumes till announcement comes then,.

Blood Bath has been updated to have higher damage and heal 30% of the skill’s attack value. Still a crappy heal nonetheless.


people who bought costumes before announcement that they will be rental after another “extra maintenance” will keep them perm

I know I’m evil

the temptation…:imp:

edit: i asked someone if it has a timer and he linked his costume to me

looks like they aren’t rental after all the price is really weird though…

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Bought one for my sw. There is nothing saying temporary, but I almost sure is temporary.

Noticed stuck bug on party quests still not fixed.

Is Blessing with 60s duration?

No idea if they even can fix this. Its a BUG DEEP in iTOS apparently and even merging with kTOS didndt fix it.

Resist elements from paladin still in the old version, please hotfix ;-;

At the time of my comment (after initial and secondary maintenance) it was not updated. Thus the comment to mention it had still not been updated.

So while your intentions were likely good by pointing out the patch notes… my comment was stating that this update didn’t make it into the game as they said (tested within 5 minutes of each server up). It still heals for a minimal amount per tick and I just re-verified that about 20 seconds ago and alt-tabbed back to this reply =P

That update would at least make the heal potentially viable but as of right now it’s still a pile of poop with our old healing values still intact lol

No they DID change Blood Bath. Previously it healed for like 70 HP at level 5, but has been changed to heal 30% of the skill’s attack value, not damage dealt. So level 5 Blood Bath which has a skill attack value of 787 now heals for 236 HP + whatever hidden modifiers there are. So yes they updated the skill, but it still su-cks as far as healing goes.

In other words the OP heal we thought it would become was never meant to be.

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My bad and good eye sir. I am now completely saddened lol