Tree of Savior Forum

Did the patch failed?

Confirmed, non of the Barbarian “buffs” were applied. Tested Pommel Beat from Swordman2, still “single target”.

That’s about it, great patch…

str scaling works check my post with pictures. scroll up

but maybe it just shows in character panel but you still deal the same damage

Cleave has 3 overheat now, so that got changed. And i think the skills got their cooldowns properly reduced, but not sure. But that’s about the only thing that works for barbarians from this patch.

And what saying IMC about failed patch? Nothing. Silience. Like politicians in Russia. :unamused:

Where’s my Blessing with 60s duration? T_T SAD IMC

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines

@Jesus @Allah @Buddha

SEND HELP plz ;_;

Even the Monk’s DP and God Finger Flick debuffs are not applying to any monster. This is very dissappointing.

why put blessing buff in the patch notes if you won’t deliver… was waiting so long for this… broke my heart IMC :frowning:
I will buy the wiz3 costume and try to drown my sorrow…

And the FPS insanely dropped again

I couldnt find the panda anywhere, nor did I get reward itens from quests that I had already completed, as said in the patxh notes.
The chat didnt change either.
Anyone found the lesser panda companion? Where is it? Anyone got rewards on retrieve tabs of the market???

here comes the bugsssss … oh anyone can check if spawn rates got changed? its the only part of the update im looking forward to lol.


I Thought i was the only one suffering from this bug… i unistalled my ToS hoping that my Blessing will update as well… an emergency maintenance is inevitable…

Spawn rates seem fine now, seeing mobs respawn actively in DP instead of in waves.

okay thanks for that im not logged yet currently at work huehuehue

Emergency maint 7:30 edt ->

Red Panda is in Team Battle League shop purchased by team battle league points

They announced a maintenace now.
Maybe some that glitches will be fixed.

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They’re hotfixing all the stuff that didn’t roll over now.

Greetings Saviors,

We would like to announce that we will be having temporary maintenance across all servers from (EDT) 07:30 ~ 08:15 July 26th, 2016.

This maintenance is in order for us to implement a hotfix that will apply most of the features that did not properly get applied in today’s patch.

Please note that some regions may take longer to log back on to the servers due to file synchronization issues.

Apologies for any inconvenience or confusion you may have experienced.

IMC Staff

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they said most of, I don’t want to get my hopes of for blessing buff anymore :frowning: