Tree of Savior Forum

Did something happened to Jolly roger

For some reason when I flagged two or more jolly rogers the jolly roger that was activated before will no longer boost my combo.

So in short only the latest jolly roger will give me the effect

Were you party leader? You have to be lead for the combo.

It seems the OP is pt lead judging from what he is saying

…You’d be surprised, it’s a common question. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I believe I had to ask myself on my first Corsair.

Well atm Jolly Roger is pretty buggy
Sometimes the effect would end prematurely/not taking in effect when you have multiple jolly rogers overlapping with each other

It’s possible that’s the cause, though unlikely as normally it would go off at least once before bugging out, and then it would resume when the bugged flag poofed/threw down another. At least that has always been my experience. First flag thrown > Throw down another before it poofs, this second flag bugs > Original flag poofs > Throw down another it should work.

I haven’t experienced the combo ending prematurely though, or if I have I never noticed.

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I’m not sure if it’s intended or not, general consensus always seems to be that it’s a bug - the double flag bit. If you mean multiple flags are giving the buff, I do think that’s a bug. (Or perhaps it goes along with the double flag buffs not working…?) It’s never worked for my parties, wish it did, lol. I have to be careful if I decide to use them for aggro so that the base flag still gives the buff.

Edit: I kinda wish we could get confirmation on what is and isn’t intended. x.O

Ahh maybe I worded that wrongly
I didn’t mean the combo ending prematurely but the Pillaging and Jolly Roger buff itself ending way too early despite the fact that the flag is still there (when dealing with overlapping flags)

Must be some messed up programming out there xD

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Hmmm, thinking about it, last time I farmed in Forest of Prayer it did work that way for me. O.o However I’ve used it in parties plenty, and it doesn’t work… Perhaps that’s because the Corsair who threw it has to be in the circle for it to activate?

Edit: Surprised I’ve never given this more thought. So just to sum it up, I assume overlapping doesn’t work because perhaps you’d gain a double buff, where as multiple flags not touching (or at least not within extremely close proximity from my own play time) will work as long as the flag barer is present in the circle.

only getting the buff from the latest jolly roger sounds like its working as intended and the old flag stacking was not intended…

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this sounds to me like “operating as intended” ?

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If I understood, after placing the second flag, far from the previous, he won’t receive the buffs when in the range of the first.

I will not get the buff but my party members do get the buff from every flag of mine

There is currently a lot of bugs with JR.

One of them is overlapping JR bug - when leaving the area of one flag (or if It expires) and simultaneously entering the area of another flag, you will lose the effect unless you exit the area and reenter it.

I recommend you report this. I did, but apparently they have better priorities (or, more likely, their QA is just bad).

It’s one of the bugs demonstrated on the vid.