Tree of Savior Forum

Did not get a key?

I also didnot get the key, i had reply on the requests .

just encase i also signed up and did not recieve a betakey because or region restriction, i am ontario, canada

some evidence >>

same problem here admin we need a key …

Same problem here, come on! I need a key!!! :confused:

No you guys signed up after the registration period,

God bless.

ha a key email me one would be nice^^

Same here, I’ve registered on 16 october, all my friends have won theyr keys and i’m not.

Still waiting… The button on the main site, works but doesn’t show any key =\

i need a key, i really want play this game, i follow them from’s begun and i want with all myself play this game :c

same problem, need a

me registered since august. but then. i still dont have a key -______-

gostaria de uma chave por favor sou do brasil

I need keys plix for server Latin America . Chile here .


Man I would love for a key but found out about this game too late :frowning:
Here’s hoping for another round of keys soon! (or if anyone wants to send me one… :wink: )

Dang too bad I found out about this so late. I’d love to have key though if someone happens to have a spare…

Or you can just wait for the open beta. The server will be wiped anyway and you will have better server experience.

i need na beta key please…