Tree of Savior Forum

Did I gimp my sorc/necro char?

So my character is now a Wiz3>Kino>Sorc>Necro and I was wondering if I did really gimp it by not choosing linker is linking 5 targets really better than using teleport to drop agro and pp+flesh hoop combo? because people say that flesh cannon has a rather small aoe so you need linker but from my perspective, the aoe is actually huge. I’m actually fond of my character right now, but whenever I go do dungeons, people expect me to be able to link mobs :’(

Please help me :frowning: my char is already 200 and idk if I should reroll. any ideas/suggestions would be great :slight_smile: thank you.

linker is nerfed, joint penalty has hit limit , no attack skill , bugged physical link and 2 second cc , i suggest don’t reroll , linker is bad class because heavy nerf

wiz 3 link 1/2 or sorc 1 necro 2 , is a very good build to dmg, linker still worth it at all, I have it at c2 and theres no limit hit !

You either go Linker C2 or don’t bother much with it, people say linker is nerfed, but i doubt that, i got Link C1 on my Sorc build, and i kill stuff way faster when they are linked than when they aren’t. Waiting for R8 to go Linker C2 and complete the build.

The damage is not shown when they are linked so people tend to think that it is nerfed.

As for what you did, i suggest you take Sorc C2 to complement it, Hold and Ride is a must have for sorcerers.

But imo, if it is your first char, you did a real mess on the build, but it is not lost, you will just do poorly depending on how you will play.

This is the most important, and people always expect something from others instead of get themselves better at their own chars.

Linker is nerfed from back how it was in CBT.

  • Cooldown from Joint penalty is up from 15 sec. -> 23sec.

  • Joint penalty no longer doubles AOE Damage
    (in cbt. when 2 of the 5 linked mobs stood inside an aoe, the linked group got 2x the dmg. Its gone now)

*Joint penalty has a hit limit now. Not only has the “debuff” a duration but after a certain amout of hits the link breaks BEFORE the duration is up
(a Frostcloud easily braks the Hitlimit of my Lvl15 Joint penalty)

  • Hangmans knot is nerfed from 1sec + skill lvl duration to: 1 sec + (skilllevel * 02)

But Linker is still good. And I like the concept of the class.

If you like your Chara, play it XD
It sounds interesting and fun. There are Necros/Sorc without Link, and that’s okay.

I havent actually thought of rerolling until I got paired with 4 archers in the 190 dung and they expected me to have link and to tank through the whole dungeon which the first parts were full of ranged mobs so I died 2 times and it was disheartening and made me think if I should reroll. So youre saying that link c2 is better than just going link c1 after the nerf? So I think I`ll just master my build and work accordingly

Ill think about sorc c2 but I really want the skellies :`(

Wizard class is not a tank, if they want a tank they can go make a pre-made party to go into the dungeon, don’t do what you aren’t supposed to do, do what you are supposed to, if they complain, ignore.

I tell you, try to survive the most you can, if they die, its they own damn problem.

Its up to you, its your char, you do what you think it is right, you can postpone Sorc C2 for when R8 come out.

Thank you for the input. But uhmm do you have any idea on how much is the hit limit?

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Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Think I wont be rerolling. I`ll just master my build and work around dungs w/o tanks/healers. :slight_smile:

If you get the hang of your build, you can solo no problem the dungeons, i used to do missions with my archer friend, just the 2 of us.

you don’t need to pic sorc 2, since u like necro , its normal some players that love necro choose sorc at rank 5 because have a good synergy, so if u really like necro , u can go wiz 3 link 2 necro 2, and I think necro 3 will be nice for DPS, we just have to w8

I dont know it. Maybe it is a Hit count Limit, or an total damage one. But it sure DOES have a Limit.
Like I said. some aoe spam like 2 frostclouds and some other multi hit skills can break it (and duration is not up).
That was another hidden Nerf to Linker.

I found in another thread this statemant from another player:

Something like this, is also my observation.
I just wondered why sometimes my link is gone even though the duration is not yet up (it’s more than 60seconds @ lvl 15), nor the mobs have gone too far apart, nor someone did a skill that can break the Link.

This “Hint count-Break” appears mostly at missions. Linking the mole and the poata and everyone unleashes theit multi-hit aoe attacks on the linked bosses.
In normal field play it never happened to me. Mobs are dead way before the duration (and other limits) are over xD

Hope that helps.

Oh thank you. Think I wont be rerolling to get linker then, cause none of my skills can benefit from the attributes and if they have a hit limit then once we reach 200k++ hp mobs its gonna be harder cause flesh cannon and hoop are multihit +magic missile then it`ll break faster, I guess it really is linker c2 or none :frowning: thank you for helping! :slight_smile: think ill make a support linkerc3 sometime in the future

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You could have gone linker instead of kino in your build but I guess that is too late. Link 1 is still pretty good for sorc -> necro builds. For one it eases the targetting for you summon and another is to make sure flesh cannon hits all targets reliably.

Max Hit limit for JP is 50 hits for linker 1.

To answer your question. Yes you did gimp your character by not getting linker.

Oh okay :frowning: well btw, if I made a wiz>pyro>link2>sorc>necroc2 would it useful for supporting and at the same time be more focused on using the summons for damage instead of flesh cannon and hoop or is wiz123>link>sorc>necroc2 really the best way to have a full summon build and is spiritual chain a nice buff to have? I can afford daino scrolls 'cause I’ve got a bokor for grinding dp2 :slight_smile: thanks for the input!

Flesh Cannon with Fast Cast and Joint Penalty is really good…

I currently have a level 217 Wiz3>Link2>Necro, and the amount of damage it can do to 8 Mobs on Joint Penalty is. :open_mouth: Especially with Flesh Hoop being cast directly after when Flesh Cannon is doing its thing.

I have a feeling that when Flesh Cannon is level 10 and with maybe 30%+ attribute, it will one-shot a lot of elite mobs.

Not something like. It is exactly this.

I counted the hits on every level.

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wow. really nice of you :smiley:
I just observed that my Link is sometimes gone before duration is over. And I did not know why. and I found your post and it was my answer for the problem.
So my lvl 15 Joint has a hitcount of 150.

Thank you for your work! (I would have ben too lazy to do it xD)

But having a Hitcount IS meh …
50 Hits (for lvl 5) is not that much with all those multi hit skills inGame.

It is good the way it is except it should be written in the skill description.

Back in the iCBT every wizard took a circle of Linker because of the huge value and that had to be nerfed.

Personally that CD nerf that was to much. We got reduced number, hit counter and reduced damage. Also increasing the CD is bullshit and only takes some fun away. =.=
I prey that with the kTOS merge the old CD, which Koreans still have, comes back.