Tree of Savior Forum

/destroyguild command

I really hope IMC is able to fully restore all the broken guilds, including Talt investments…

This is really annoying.

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Same here, everyone is saying they didn’t do it, so I really have no idea how it’s happened. Guild is def gone, rebooted client and everything. IMC needs to get on this fast.

Well, on the plus side, at least our guild knows who did it :stuck_out_tongue:

im sorry!!! D:


Well, I am not sorry.

I think you should elaborate a bit more so the developers can actually understand what your problem is and what your bug report is about.
For example, you didn’t even mention that in order for this bug to work that you have to be in a guild or that you should be a non-guildleader when testing this bug.
In order to make fast and efficient bug fixes developers need as elaborated and detailed bug reports as possible.

Here, i’ll help you:
“Bug report:
As you know /destroyguild chat command is meant for the guild leader to disband a guild.
However, for some reason everyone in the guild is able to use this command and thus everyone is able to disband the guild, even if they are not the guild leader.
This should get fixed so when entering the command it should only have the “disband guild” effect when the guild leader uses it.
If a guild member who is not the guildleader uses that command it should not do anything.”

The community is equally at fault here. We’d be in early access for another TWO MONTHS if the playerbase hadn’t freaked out about IMC’s plans.

It’s disappointing that everyone’s initial reaction is hostility toward IMC. Everyone is happy to flame the developers and nobody is willing to try to help.


It’s IMC’s fault for overestimating themselves. Consumer is always right.

Stop white knighting. This isn’t their first fuckup.
IMC made a choice, now they reap what they sown.
The hostility towards IMC is justified like it or not.


LMAO as if this hole would disappear if they released it 2 month later

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IMC FIX THIS ASAP :frowning:

That command should probably give a prompt to make you confirm that you really want to delete the guild…

maybe this would be better like linking the staff?


I understand this being reported in the forum, what I don’t understand is why people would try posting this in the global chat to let everyone know and cause more trouble to the rest of the players. Both Peligroso and Xanthiris should be banned for a few days for spreading this issue in the global chat in-game with malicious intent.
Anyways, please fix this ASAP and restore the guilds that were deleted without the guild master consent.

Who would even decide oh yeah lets test out that command geez…regardless there are people foolish enough to do it as well as idiots who have bad intentions and will do it on purpose this indeed needs a hot fix asap.

Have to agree about those two spreading it to cause more problems no reason for them to say it in global chat.

This bug is top kek. I just heard from a guildie and I’m so surprised this is an actual bug. Holy crap IMC how did you ■■■■ this up. XD

Here’s a reddit post on it by the way if anyone’s interested.

Hopefully this bug is fixed ASAP and IMC will have to do a rollback on guilds if that’s even possible.

this really needs to be bumped…

Good Game Well Played IMC!

Did they mention about doing anything on this problem? (fix/compensation) or even acknowledged it yet?