Tree of Savior Forum

Cyro3 chrono3 best cleric partner?

Hi all,
Im runing a cyro3 chrono3 and a friend is rerolling to cleric. So, what cleric build would be good to party with me? Full support? Dps/sub heal?

Also another friend is going full tank, we want to form a good party :smiley:

Any advice is welcome, tnx.

Probably something with cleric 2 and priest 3, pick up some elementalists and you’re good to go for any content.

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Cryo3 Chrono 3 will party well with any class.
Edit: I personally like this cleric build it is a good mix of dps and support
But many Clerics like having pardoner so its really whatever your friend wants to do in the end.

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best partner would be a elementalist -> warlock

Ice Pillar -> Frost Cloud -> Pass -> Frost Cloud.

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But with full supp cleric, that would be 2 members with no real damage X.x plus the tank with so so dmg, that leave us just 2 dps U.u

What do u think?

The build i linked is actually a world bossing build that Brokonaut uses. This is the thread where he goes into detail about it.. Its good support early on but can still output some great damage later. So you will get the best of both worlds. Many Pardoner builds work the same way. Real support oriented early on with ok to great damage later on. Also once you get into cryo C3 Snow Rolling and Frost Pillar will speed things up with grinding and dungeon runs.

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Diev can contribute a lot of support and a lot of DPS. Laima + Pass is super good.

He might want to get Priest C1 for Resurrect though.

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Tnx for the tips! Im already chrono1, cant wait to haste >.<